Not really. All of the gifts have been declared in accordance with the rules as far as we are aware. There's a big difference between following the rules, or attempting to follow the rules and not trying to follow rules at all until you are caught out (see Boris Johnson for details).
I agree that it isn't a great look but most of the "noise" is from desperate Tory MPs, GB News and the Daily Fail trying to bleat out "Look- they are just as bad as us - look they accepted a suit and a taylor swift ticket" and strangely forgetting all of the absurdly much higher priced donations that Tory MPs were able to take (or not able and had to pay back once caught).
I am not a Tory MP, GB News watcher/listener or Daily Fail reader, this coverage has been in Private Eye for some weeks, and, more recently on BBC News online.
As I have said before, I am not unduly concerned as to if they are operating within the rules or not, nor am I unduly concerned by the size/value of the gifts, I am concerned about what the donor(s) hope (or are) getting in return.
Way back in the mists of time, in the area in which I live, there was a bit of bribery and corruption going on (Poulson and T Dan Smith). People went to prison, if I recall. One of the things which amazed me was the trivial nature of some of the gifts/bribes over which people risked and/or lost their good name, and, even in some cases their liberty for.