Starmer's vision quest

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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
No, that's just failed lifers, who hate those who are successful and wealthy.

We have a couple in our extended family'. Holier than thou about others in the family doing well for themselves

- until out of sheer generosity the wealthy family members gave them a huge chunk of money, enough to buy a house outright.

That shut them up 😜

Aww, look - Matey's pretending he's a millionaire. Bless.


Aww, look - Matey's pretending he's a millionaire. Bless.

I unclicked him briefly for a look.

You can already imagine the pre-Christmas conversations in the extended CXR family...

"Mum, will Uncle Andy be there?"

"I'm afraid so, but we have to go anyway. Just ignore him like everyone else does. Every family has someone like him. Don't let him spoil the family get-together"

"But Mum, he's such a massive bellowing wânkstain"

"I know darling, but at 6 years of age you really shouldn't be using language like that."

the snail

Active Member
Starmer you fcukwit...even when the goal is open and the opposition are giving you the ball you still can't hit the ball in the right direction....

UK will not accept EU offer to join pan-European customs union ‘at present time’, minister says – UK politics live​

Another ray of hope shattered....

I'm not sure if joining a customs union with the EU makes much sense. We already have a partial arrangement for tariff-free trade in the TCA, and the ability to strike crappy trade deals which wouldn't be possible in a customs union, and it wouldn't solve the problems with non-tariff barriers. We really need to rejoin the single market, which means rejoining the EU.
To be fair, most EU countries are facing challenging times at the moment. Germany's economy is contracting and VW, long seen as a benchmark for how things are going, is experiencing serious difficulties and eying up thousands of job cuts. It doesn't look particularly good for any of us in Europe for the next couple of years.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit depressing to see you all dancing to cxr's tune like little puppets.

He doesn't care about truth, he's not here to discuss, he's not interested in what you have to say, you wont convince him of anything because he doesn't care about the truth, and if you corner him he'll just produce more spam. He doesn't even believe the shît he posts.

The only thing he wants is for you to do exactly what you are doing.
I'm giving up on it. You post references to a fact countering his posted fabrication and no discussion, no acknowledgment. Request sources for some questionable claims and nothing. Always just more wild twaddle.

Properly discussing issues is interesting. Having your understanding questioned is useful if forming sensible views and learning. But a barrage of twaddle and conspiracy theories if just a fruitless waste of time.

Time to just ignore it and hope NaCA can return to proper challenging discussion.


Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
You know what assumptions got you 👍



Elder Goth
I unclicked him briefly for a look.

You can already imagine the pre-Christmas conversations in the extended CXR family...

"Mum, will Uncle Andy be there?"

"I'm afraid so, but we have to go anyway. Just ignore him like everyone else does. Every family has someone like him. Don't let him spoil the family get-together"

"But Mum, he's such a massive bellowing wânkstain"

"I know darling, but at 6 years of age you really shouldn't be using language like that."

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