Cooking supper this evening, chopping up my veg I suddenly realised that blocking these under 18 year olds from buying knives online just means they'll have to use one of the many sharp long knives floating around their parents' kitchen at home. No proof of ID needed to swipe one before heading out to ...
And yet the nearest shop have stopped selling craft knives because of police advice so now repairing something has to wait until after I go into town to a hobby shop.
I don't understand how demanding two forms of ID will help when Amazon don't check the one form of ID currently required. It'll just mean we can't buy knives with only our driving licence (or whatever ID you usually carry) and have to prepare. For a flipping craft knife, pruning knife, picnic knife or whatever. Hell, I got ID'd buying a putty knife last year. It has no point and you can't stab anything with it! This is lunacy! Probably get ID'd before the chippy will give you a wooden spork soon!
Or people will carry two bits of ID routinely, which will be a great help for identity thieves.