There you are, you and your facts again.
I know. Don't know why I bother really. It's not as if Andy is going to be swayed by them. I think I just like finding answers to puzzles...
it still baffles me that migration is seen as such an undesirable thing. It seems like it should be one of the most Conservative Policies ever to get these people processed so that they can stop "scrounging off the state" and "get on their bicycles and find work" as Norman Tebbit once suggested.
It just seems simple to me that you get the claims processed and at the same time stop the small boats by providing safe and legal paths to claim asylum. Put it on the Government website so you can apply and get your claim processed before you even get here. Change the rules so that the only criteria is that you have had to leave your home country and are unable to go back due to fear of persecution.
Work with all the other countries in the EU to develop a similar scheme. That way you can get numbers before they arrive, balance migration across the EU (given that it isn't going to reduce in the short term) and ensure that when people do arrive, they can get linked up straight away with work schemes.
Maybe introduce a limited asylum visa such that if the political situation changes in your home country and you can return, then provided that you don't have children settled into education, you would be expected to take steps to go back again.
Control is about knowledge and planning and by providing safe, legal routes you start to eliminate the traffickers.