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Rusty Nails

Country Member
Inconsistent lol....yea right because I change my view of things so often 🙄
I recommend aftersun and plenty of water if you've been out too long...

You have often told us your views of things are fixed, so I was not remarking on your views but your about turn in logic between two posts.

I put it down to excitement over your new Mick Lynch bromance. :wub:

Deleted member 49

BA workers at Heathrow vote to strike.95% of BA ground staff vote for strike action on an 81% turnout.


Deleted member 49

You have often told us your views of things are fixed, so I was not remarking on your views but your about turn in logic between two posts.

I put it down to excitement over your new Mick Lynch bromance. :wub:
New lol. I've been a member of a Union since I was 15.Two at the moment as I'm working for Royal Mail for a while.See how long the love in lasts when it results in a delay on someone's holidays.
Bromance 🙄


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it has been mentioned upthread, but GMB have just announced strikes of their BA staff - no dates but will be during the summer holidays.

A GMB representative was explaining why. During the pandemic, these staff had to take a 10% cut to their pay in a settlement with BA at a time when the only alternative BA were offering was a fire and rehire scheme which would have been an even worse option. Now BA is back flying they are not reinstating the 10% - the best offer was a 10% "bonus" for this year which I assume would be classed as a discretionary payment as opposed to a change in terms and conditions. So this isn't even about inflation increases, but getting back to where the workers were in 2019.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the things that the government are doing that is dishonest
They are stating average salaries - and max salaires - of Rail Workers - and are including the higher paid train drivers - and for all I know the bloomin' CEO

I saw a tweet where this average salary touted by the government was back- engineered. It turns out that this figure was taken as follows :

The average salary of 4 separate job areas was taken (including drivers). This was then added up and divided by four to get the number.

A basic grasp of statistics will show that this number is utterly meaningless as an "average" unless the number of people employed in each job area is the same. Which is manifestly untrue.

So it is even worse that just including certain sectors that aren't actually in this particular dispute.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
New lol. I've been a member of a Union since I was 15.Two at the moment as I'm working for Royal Mail for a while.See how long the love in lasts when it results in a delay on someone's holidays.
Bromance 🙄
I was a member of unions for around 40 years before retirement, whatever union membership has got to do with opinions of Mick Lynch. I have no problems with the bloke as he is doing his job in looking after his members' pay and conditions against government interference.

I am not aware of any public love in for Lynch, and it is just human nature for people to be less than enthusiastic about support for strikes when it costs or inconveniences them and their families.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
New lol. I've been a member of a Union since I was 15.Two at the moment as I'm working for Royal Mail for a while.See how long the love in lasts when it results in a delay on someone's holidays.
Bromance 🙄
I was a member of unions for around 40 years before retirement, whatever union membership has got to do with opinions of Mick Lynch. I have no problems with the bloke as he is doing his job in looking after his members' pay and conditions against government interference.

I am not aware of any public love in for Lynch, and it is just human nature for people to be less than enthusiastic about support for strikes when it costs or inconveniences them and their families.

Deleted member 49

whatever union membership has got to do with opinions of Mick Lynch.
Well he represents his members,so you'd sort of hope his opinions matter !
I am not aware of any public love in for Lynch,
Really where you been hiding.
and it is just human nature for people to be less than enthusiastic about support for strikes when it costs or inconveniences them and their families.
Spoken like a true Starmerite.

Deleted member 49

Not sure if it has been mentioned upthread, but GMB have just announced strikes of their BA staff - no dates but will be during the summer holidays.

A GMB representative was explaining why. During the pandemic, these staff had to take a 10% cut to their pay in a settlement with BA at a time when the only alternative BA were offering was a fire and rehire scheme which would have been an even worse option. Now BA is back flying they are not reinstating the 10% - the best offer was a 10% "bonus" for this year which I assume would be classed as a discretionary payment as opposed to a change in terms and conditions. So this isn't even about inflation increases, but getting back to where the workers were in 2019.
The 10% has been reinstated for bosses and senior managers but not for workers.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Well he represents his members,so you'd sort of hope his opinions matter !

Really where you been hiding.

Spoken like a true Starmerite.

I was referring to your opinions of Lynch, not his members'. Your union membership is irrelevant.

There's a whole world out there not on Twitter. A lot of the favourable comments about him deservedly come from his confident, deft handling of sensationalist/poor journalists.

Not everyone is as virtuous as you, and there is often a selfish side to human nature, not confined to Tory voters.

You need to get over your obsession with Starmer. Sadly, he has proved to be an irrelevance in this strike.

Deleted member 49

I was referring to your opinions of Lynch, not his members'. Your union membership is irrelevant.
So what are my opinions ? Do tell..
Not everyone is as virtuous as you, and there is often a selfish side to human nature, not confined to Tory voters
You need to get over your obsession with Starmer. Sadly, he has proved to be an irrelevance in this strike.
I think you'll find he's been a irrelevance full stop....but if you know different please share it ?


Ãœber Member
A Tory goes on strike!
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