Sturgeon resigns

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Legendary Member
Under 18. I’m kind of taking the pee, many will regret the transition later on in life & maybe commit suicide. Even the same with much older adults so it was right for the Tories to step in and stop the Scottish change of law. Probably the best thing they’ve done in the last 10 years.

I'm afraid that is not correct. Ordinarily children are deemed to be mature enough to decide on their own medical treatments from the age of 16. Under circumstances they can be overruled if they are not competent enough; this is known as Gillick competence.

Also, regret rates are very low.


Active Member do realise that if you transition under Scottish law nothing actually changes except one word on a few bits of paper. And that word can be changed back if you want.

Weird, I thought a lot changed legally, e. g. They were now legally female rather than male. ( or vice versa) and was pretty much the root of this entire shoot show of a thread.


Weird, I thought a lot changed legally, e. g. They were now legally female rather than male. ( or vice versa) and was pretty much the root of this entire shoot show of a thread.

And what does a legal change look like?
One word on a few pieces of paper.

You don't suddenly grow tits and a fanny once you submit the application.

Milky was claiming lots would regret the change and kill themselves. What change? All the medical intervention takes years. And that is even before we come to the fact that Milzy's claims are not supported by any evidence.
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"A student of mine " what the f*ck could you possibly teach anyone?

Shep went to the "university of life", no doubt.



Über Member
You farking thick munt.
As I was saying.
Under 18. I’m kind of taking the pee, many will regret the transition later on in life & maybe commit suicide. Even the same with much older adults so it was right for the Tories to step in and stop the Scottish change of law. Probably the best thing they’ve done in the last 10 years.

How would the Scottish Bill, when enacted, change the numbers who try transition and find it doesn't suit?


How would the Scottish Bill, when enacted, change the numbers who try transition and find it doesn't suit?

Experience in other countries has often shown a sudden rise in numbers going for a GRC, but this is people who have already socially transitioned anyway but were put off obtaining a GRC by the previously onerous and humiliating process.

Anybody who is going to put themselves through physical changes is not going to be encouraged to do so by a legal change making a GRC easier.
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All the medical intervention takes years. And that is even before we come to the fact that Milzy's claims are not supported by any evidence.

The NHS waiting list is long but once seen kids can be on puberty blockers pretty quickly, and over 18's on cross sex hormones quickly. Hannah Barnes new book on the Tavistock clinic highlights that concerns from clinicians that children were being put through the system, without due diligence or counselling, were ignored for years.

Once on cross sex hormones the effects on women is pretty rapid. Male pattern baldness, deeper voice, facial hair - all irreversible changes.

If you are prepared to go private you can get the meds within days. Dr Michael Webberley was struck off and his wife Dr Helen Webberley suspended for poor care of those who used their private gender clinic, including prescribing drugs without adequately assessing patients mental health.

The idea that it's hard to get on these meds in the UK is a myth. In the US you can get them pretty much on demand of course.

As the Cass interim report said, the kids who presented at the Tavistock had a host of issues going on and were often young lesbians or gay men. Patients there were 10 times as likely to have a parent who was a registered sex offender for example.


Once on puberty blockers you're on a medicalised pathway that it's hard to get off.


From a personal point of view , which I’ve posted before on the other site , the GRC bill scared me ! And as others have pointed out , there are a lot of confused kids out there !! I’m quite angry about our own family experience, could have been an absolute nightmare . Thankfully the penny dropped !


Über Member
'Marriage is between a man and a woman'.
I thought the Free Church position was there's three people in any marriage. A man, a woman and god.
Seems to be a bit of a tin of worms opening up here.
Looks like she's a goner anyhow.
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