The Good News Only - thread...

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Pale Rider

Pretty poor form for a supposed journalist.

Why does your every post have to end this way?

It's wearying and inaccurate.

To play your silly game: even a market gardener should be able to understand no single journalist can adequately cover every topic in the world.

But market gardeners, just like journalists, are entitled to voice their opinions on whatever they want.


Why does your every post have to end this way?

It's wearying and inaccurate.

To play your silly game: even a market gardener should be able to understand no single journalist can adequately cover every topic in the world.

But market gardeners, just like journalists, are entitled to voice their opinions on whatever they want.

Suggesting that my every post does end that way is inaccurate for a start.

So nul 'journalistic' points for you there, I'm afraid.

Anyone in any profession, or none for that matter can voice their opinions, so long as they aren't outside of the law.
Many of them do that via social media it's an enormous part of modern life, if you don't grasp and attend to that then you really have let yourself be left behind.

But those same people can expect to be pulled up / challenged on those 'opinions' also.

A lot of people who for a long time have got away with saying really nasty, and untruthful things about others - the racists, the misogynists, the homophobes, and the rest are now objecting to being called out on their bigotry.

And they don't like it.

Well boo boo them.

Pale Rider

Anyone in any profession, or none for that matter can voice their opinions, so long as they aren't outside of the law.
Many of them do that via social media it's an enormous part of modern life, if you don't grasp and attend to that then you really have let yourself be left behind.

Isn't that what I just said/accepted?

As regards being behind the times, I suspect that's where I will remain in terms of 'big' social media.

As regards response to opinions, you are only picking one side of the coin.

The far right loony bigots probably are among those objecting to being challenged, or more accurately 'cancelled'.

But the loony lefty ultra woke also can't abide their views being challenged.


Legendary Member
But market gardeners, just like journalists, are entitled to voice their opinions on whatever they want.
I think @mudsticks point is that you might expect a gardener to voice an opinion, but a journalist (by nature of the job) to have done some journalistic research in order to inform their opinion, given that a Journalist is someone who gathers information.

A journalist is an individual that collects/gathers information in form of text, audio, or pictures, processes them into a news-worthy form, .

If you are not actually researching your opinions I think that makes you a columnist... (see Sarah Vain, Boris 'how many kids this week' Johnson etc).


Isn't that what I just said/accepted?

As regards being behind the times, I suspect that's where I will remain in terms of 'big' social media.

As regards response to opinions, you are only picking one side of the coin.

The far right loony bigots probably are among those objecting to being challenged, or more accurately 'cancelled'.

But the loony lefty ultra woke also can't abide their views being challenged.


Pretty sure

"Loony lefty ultra woke" has already been someone's tagline on here..

They of course never get challenged or more accurately 'cancelled' - do they.??

Pale Rider

If you are not actually researching your opinions I think that makes you a columnist... (see Sarah Vain, Boris 'how many kids this week' Johnson etc).

You are now getting to the difference between news and commentary.

As an old-fashioned hack, I believe they should never, ever, be mixed.

Regrettably, my view has been overtaken to the point of being wiped out.

Even proper news organisations do it.

Nearly every BBC News report is made up of the newsreader interviewing the reporter, who tells us what the various participants in the story have said.

It is lazy journalism, the reporter ought to be going out, interviewing those involved, and letting them tell their own stories.

Politics stories are now very light on news content and very heavy on commentary by the so called political correspondent.

Had I suggested to one of my old editors I was going to cover a story by interviewing colleagues he would have thrown me out of the newsroom.

Deleted member 159

Back on "Good news" (sort of), I found this story wildly entertaining:-

In particular , this throwaway line:-

There is a whole other story here... is boar chasing common in Berlin?

Ja :biggrin:

Pale Rider

There is a whole other story here... is boar chasing common in Berlin?

A lion chasing a boar does appear comical to us, but i wonder if boar are relatively common in Berlin.

In other words, if this were in London and the lion was seen chasing a fox, no one would pay any attention to the fox.


Elder Goth
So did your son beat up your brother in this match? Is the surgery serious?!? :O

I believe the chap my son battered is called Callum.

My brother's surgery is serious, but well considered. It is very much a positive move and I'm glad that it is happening.

Deleted member 159

I couldn't remember whether you were fluid, which then changed some of the inter relationships
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