The Good News Only - thread...

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Online survey, where folk go looking to voice opinion.

Speak to the communities all around the UK, you will get a far clearer position. They don't want them

You've 'spoken to communities' all around the UK have you..??

Show us your unbiased questionnaire, and verifiable results then please.

Otherwise we will think you're talking pish.

We must be outliers down here, because in this local community, there are many people who are actively doing their best to help displaced people, who see the needs of others, and are acting with humanity.
Housing people, offering various assistances, raising funds.

Only a few weeks back we had an open day and cake sale right here, raising quite a few quids for Refugee Support.
No one objected to that being the target of our fundraising.

Oh and it looks like we're not such oddballs after all 🙄

People all over the country are doing, and wanting the decent and humane thing done .
Despite the best efforts of the likes of Nasty Farrige and the right wing populist demonisers..

So some 'Good News' in the bleakness, after all.
🌈💃🙏🏼 .

Pale Rider

It appears the Red Cross survey assumed all asylum are genuine, so the answers were based on that.

Which is fair enough.

However, had they asked the question about easier life seekers, the answers may have been different.


Legendary Member
Do they as a whole look true?
Your subsequent attempts to defend dishonest lawyers also surprise me, but I suppose all principles have to be sacrificed on the altar of 'all asylum seekers are exactly what they say they are'.
The first person mentioned in the article isn't a solicitor at all.

The article is suggesting massive malpractice across the legal profession, when all they have found is a single very dodgy legal secretary and a slightly dodgy solicitor.

Pale Rider


The first person mentioned in the article isn't a solicitor at all.

The article is suggesting massive malpractice across the legal profession, when all they have found is a single very dodgy legal secretary and a slightly dodgy solicitor.

Mention also of 40 firms on a watch list and copy cat applications.

You can't seriously believe the Mail just happened on the only two firms in the country prepared to lie for extra cash.

This will be the tip of a very grubby iceberg.


It appears the Red Cross survey assumed all asylum are genuine, so the answers were based on that.

Which is fair enough.

However, had they asked the question about easier life seekers, the answers may have been different.

Yes if they had worded the survey in such a way to misrepresent the people they were talking about the answers may well have been different.

Thankfully they chose someone knowledgeable, with accurate scribing skills to write the survey.

Not someone who just trots out tabloid tosh in an attempt to diminish the humanity of others.

Pale Rider

Not someone who just trots out tabloid tosh in an attempt to diminish the humanity of others.

Just telling it like it is, sis.

You can't seriously believe everyone who turns up on our beaches is a genuine asylum seeker.

"I say, it's jolly decent of the people doing the persecuting in your country to have persecuted so very few women, children, and older people."


Just telling it like it is, sis.

You can't seriously believe everyone who turns up on our beaches is a genuine asylum seeker.

"I say, it's jolly decent of the people doing the persecuting in your country to have persecuted so very few women, children, and older people."

Nope, you're telling it how you think it is.

I'll believe those whose job it is to process asylum claims, and the fact that the majority are allowed.

Yes women, and children, and older people are also persecuted and flee their countries to claim asylum, some of them do find sanctuary here.

I just hope - for their sake - that they don't fetch up next door to you.

Your cynical and dehumanising portrayal of asylum seekers reflects far more about your character than it does theirs.


Legendary Member
Mention also of 40 firms on a watch list and copy cat applications.
You can't seriously believe the Mail just happened on the only two firms in the country prepared to lie for extra cash.
I can believe they went for the two most likely to lie for extra cash
This will be the tip of a very grubby iceberg.
Not really. You are still characterising asylum seekers and refugees as criminals. If someone is desperate enough to risk their life and give money to people traffickers taking advantage of them, why does it come as a surprise that there are people in this country also willing to take advantage of them?

Deleted member 159

Nope. Show me the the law that makes this illegal.
Entry without leave is a breach of section 3(1)(a) and therefore constitutes illegal entry as defined by section 33(1) of the Immigration Act 1971 (as amended by the 1996 Asylum and Immigration Act).8 Jul 2022

You'll be living here illegally if you came to the UK without permission or your permission to stay has expired. You can also get help returning to your home country if you want to. If you can't live in the UK legally but choose to remain here, life could be difficult.

Is it illegal to enter the UK by boat?

That means someone who reaches the UK on a small boat could face up to four years in prison. But people who make the Channel crossing are protected by international law if they claim asylum once they arrive.-

surprise surprise, lots of asylum applications :laugh:
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