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Deleted member 159

Why don't all you hero's out there get your arses down to the south coast and offer some of these poor, desperate people a roof over their heads?

Surely some of you have your own business's that could use hard working young men?

Put your money where your mouths are.

Oh no, virtue signalling is just that, no backbone to back it up.

Didn't some poor woman take in asylum chap, who promptly murdered her.

Deleted member 159

I put my name down to house a Ukrainian when that was a thing.

What one of those husband stealing versions 😳

Deleted member 159

@Pale Rider if what you say is true and in reality they're economic migrants how do you account for the proportion who, upon proper consideration, are given Asylum?

There was only 500 successful asylum claims last year. There are something like 50,000 arriving each year. A tiny percentage. 1%.

On current numbers around 160,000 backlog. So 0.3 %

The do gooder lawyers are only cherry picking the best chance claims, because most are economic illegal immigrants


Why don't all you hero's out there get your arses down to the south coast and offer some of these poor, desperate people a roof over their heads?

Surely some of you have your own business's that could use hard working young men?

Put your money where your mouths are.

Many people do offer space in their homes, and other help, both practical, and financial.

Asylum seekers are not allowed to work 'officially' whilst their claims are in progress - and because processing is delayed by a (deliberately?) badly run system - that adds to the cost and problems.

People who could be, and want to be contributing, aren't able to.

Mind you that fact had only been repeated about a hundred times here already .

So I have no idea why I imagine it is suddenly going to sink into your cranium now, after all this time.


Legendary Member
Why don't all you hero's out there get your arses down to the south coast and offer some of these poor, desperate people a roof over their heads?
Because that would be against the law until their asylum claim has been processed.
Surely some of you have your own business's that could use hard working young men?
They can't make use of these young men until the asylum claim has been processed and they are cleared to work.
Put your money where your mouths are.
Try actually reading something.

Most asylum seekers don't want or need a room in someone's house, they need to be processed so that they can get work, go and find family or friends and get themselves set up.
There was only 500 successful asylum claims last year. There are something like 50,000 arriving each year. A tiny percentage. 1%.

On current numbers around 160,000 backlog. So 0.3 %

The do gooder lawyers are only cherry picking the best chance claims, because most are economic illegal immigrants

PLease tell me you don't do anything for a living that involves interpreting facts from published statistics...
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Master of the Inane Comment
I have no problems with controlled selective immigration. Educated, skilled, financially viable people.
OK I'll buy controlled immigration. What needs to be prevented is confusing economic migrants with asylum seekers. That latter could do without a mentality of wanting to keep foreigners out. Genuinely bogus asylum seekers should not have a right to stay as this would undermine the law abiding.

We should avoid both assuming every case is genuine and they are all benefit scrounging swan eaters, the myths of the extreme left an extreme right.
Any figures on how many Ukrainian Refugees crossed the channel in small boats ?
Where I reside in Baden-Würrtemberg pop. 11 million there are about 160 000 Ukrainian refugees, about equal to the whole of the UK. I don't think the UK is overloaded!

Poland is hosting considerably more, and not a super wealthy country.

Pale Rider

Any figures on how many Ukrainian Refugees crossed the channel in small boats ?

I think we know the answer to that one.

If you are fleeing Ukraine you are a genuine, nailed on asylum seeker.

Thus you have no need to use people smugglers and small boats.

You also have no need to travel incognito.

Stop seeing these people as criminals and actually see them as desperate people.

Stop trying to attribute stuff to me I've never said.

My view has always been there will be a relatively small number of genuine asylum seekers who we could easily accommodate.

The majority will be economic migrants, which would be OK-ish if they arrived with papers, enabling us to apply a considered immigration policy.

Some of both groups will be minded to offend, just as some of a same sized sample of UK people would be minded to offend.

No papers and a mind to offend is a very bad combination from a detection point of view.
If you are fleeing Ukraine you are a genuine, nailed on asylum seeker.

So Ukraine has had significant areas on its territory 'rubbleised' by Russian airstrikes in support of Putin

The victims are genuine, nailed on asylum seekers. They can get a visa and fly to the UK

Syria has had significant areas on its territory 'rubbleised' by Russian airstrikes in support of Assad.

So, presumably, the victims are genuine, nailed on asylum seekers. Why can't they get a visa and fly to the UK?

Pale Rider

So Ukraine has had significant areas on its territory 'rubbleised' by Russian airstrikes in support of Putin

The victims are genuine, nailed on asylum seekers. They can get a visa and fly to the UK

Syria has had significant areas on its territory 'rubbleised' by Russian airstrikes in support of Assad.

So, presumably, the victims are genuine, nailed on asylum seekers. Why can't they get a visa and fly to the UK?

I, like you, have no idea of the nationality of those who arrive on boats.

If they are Syrian and can make a similar case to the Ukrainians, why do they arrive with no papers?

Also, the majority of those from Ukraine seem to want to stop, or at least they are content to stop, in a neighbouring country.

That's probably because they are patriots and want to return one day.

The people who arrive on the boats want to hide their nationality and embed themselves in UK society.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
OK I'll buy controlled immigration. What needs to be prevented is confusing economic migrants with asylum seekers. That latter could do without a mentality of wanting to keep foreigners out. Genuinely bogus asylum seekers should not have a right to stay as this would undermine the law abiding.

We should avoid both assuming every case is genuine and they are all benefit scrounging swan eaters, the myths of the extreme left an extreme right.

Where I reside in Baden-Würrtemberg pop. 11 million there are about 160 000 Ukrainian refugees, about equal to the whole of the UK. I don't think the UK is overloaded!

Poland is hosting considerably more, and not a super wealthy country.

I was not suggesting it was, but, they, like anyone else arriving here need to cross the channel, or arrive by air. Just wondered if there was any information analysing their arrival method.
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