Yes , sooo beautiful, I've often fancied a dress in the same colourway..
Green silk taffeta with purple embroidery, perhaps.
If you're
really lucky I'll put up some pictures of the shiny red cabbage (buscaro) I'm harvesting now.
Meanwhile I thought of you whilst 'Up The Gower' on a farm inspection t'other weekend.
That was
very picturesque too
I was born when “the old ways” were in force. But, as I have already said, I have no problem with changing to the “new ways”. I may slip up, at times, and use the “old” term, but, this is unintentional.
Is the general thought that all gendered terms will be dropped? Eg Son/daughter, niece/nephew, etc etc. in some cases, I can think of non-gendered replacements, but, niece/nephew, is one example which defers me.
The 'old ways' still haven't gone away, as evidenced by some on this thread..
Afaik I don't think the 'general thought' is that gendered terms for individuals eg son daughter etc be dropped no.
Nor despite Shep's consternation is anyone going to be that bothered about John who identifies as he, being referred to as fireman John.
Who happens to works alongside (female identifying) firewoman Jill.
Or if we don't know them as individuals, we could just call them all firefighters, as a group, and celebrate their outstanding bravery whichever gender they be..
They really
are all total heroes.
Not like the idiot using a 4xd as a weapon against another human being.
This is far more about gendered speech, about roles, which have no business being gendered.
That needs to be considered, and changed, if we're not
still to have four year olds believing
only men can be firefighters.
Or as in Julia's example that all Drs are men
Sometimes it feels like we're sliding backwards, in terms of gender equality, but maybe it's just more in general discourse, in t'internet age..