Twitter under Musk....

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Deleted member 49

Read my post. Of course they do all those things, but they are in the minority of the content, and also report on the news and sport, have crosswords, and TV schedules. I can easily filter the moralising bit to read the rest.

From what I see on the occasions I follow links on this forum I would have to do a hell of a lot of filtering on Twitter to avoid the simplistic < 280 character opinions to get at the crossword, or reports on the football.
I read your post thanks..But who I follow and who I choose to read on Twitter is my choice.For instance there's only certain journalists from the Guardian that I follow or read.Most of my feed is cycling and sport.Bit of humour also !
But the news is instantaneous,usually well before it even gets to paper or tv.
But if like yourself you insist on reading sh1te that you find beneath you....I'd say stick with the Sun crossword,it's more you.😁
Location sharing' for advertisers doesn't mean your personal address/location being published on a platform of hundreds of millions of users though.
The location of Musk’s aeroplane is literally broadcast to the world by… his aeroplane. Unless he lives on it, using it as a high tech caravan, it does little to reveal the great man’s actual location.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I read your post thanks..But who I follow and who I choose to read on Twitter is my choice.For instance there's only certain journalists from the Guardian that I follow or read.Most of my feed is cycling and sport.Bit of humour also !
But the news is instantaneous,usually well before it even gets to paper or tv.
But if like yourself you insist on reading sh1te that you find beneath you....I'd say stick with the Sun crossword,it's more you.😁

Doesn't that rather limit your breadth of view?, seems to me like a form of self imposed censorship.

Deleted member 49

Doesn't that rather limit your breadth of view?, seems to me like a form of self imposed censorship.'s up to me if I choose to read anything.
What's the difference from turning the tv over ?


Well-Known Member
I think that's fair enough. They should suspend anybody who gives out the location, or links to sites that do so, of private individuals. Same goes for those who post addresses. Musk should have done it sooner.

The journalists suspended / banned from Twitter were referring to the location of Musk's private jet. As with nearly all aircraft (apart from small craft) this is publicly available information that would be easily found on numerous apps and websites which show flight positions. If anyone wants this information it is incredibly easy to obtain and in the public domain for good reasons.

The stalking accusation was about a man driving who was following Musk's car. Aircraft transponders wouldn't help location in this case and the two incidents seem completely unrelated.

I sure it is purely co-incidental that the journalists banned / suspended from Twitter have also written stuff about Musk that he might not like much.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside's up to me if I choose to read anything.
What's the difference from turning the tv over ?


Of course it is up to you what you watch and read.

All I was suggesting is that choosing to limit the scope of what one reads and/or views would tend to limit the breadth of ones awareness of ideas ?

It wasn't directed at you personally, it was a general observation on all of us, including myself.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis

Of course it is up to you what you watch and read.

All I was suggesting is that choosing to limit the scope of what one reads and/or views would tend to limit the breadth of ones awareness of ideas ?

It wasn't directed at you personally, it was a general observation on all of us, including myself.

Who do you think you are, the Bodleian library?


Well-Known Member
What about the parts that show the shady business deals he makes or tries to make amongst other with the then Oligarch of the Ukraine power company, similar with companies in China ect. all very clearly to get some personal gain out of it? All this while flexing his ties with his Father and Obama. If Trumps son was caught with the same during that period all the us newspapers except for fox and the like maybe would be all over it. and righly so.

The laptop has fuelled a whole load of conspiracy theories which have very little grounding in the actual facts. The most amazing thing to come out of the laptop files is how thin the whole thing is even when spun by the Trumpists.

Trump didn't need to hide any nepotism on his watch. It was all in plain open sight with his family in positions of governmental power.
Without sounding like a Musk fanboy, he did awesome thing for space too, creating an rocket that lands back, and giving nasa an new impulse after cuts by the obama administration left them quite dull.

Agree on the thai rescue thing, in the end of the day by wonder those kids got out, no need to salty insult one of the rescueers, just because he didn't believe in Musk's made capsules.

This is the Musk M.O. He used the Thai disaster as a publicity stunt and when he got called out on it he started to throw shoot around.

i don't think i disagree much with your Musk analysis although i don't think it necessary bad to get Tesla of the Market, it's more about how it funded it and then put himself in the same situation as the reasons he pilled Tesla of the market while buying twitter.

Space-X is funded by NASA and wouldn't exist without them. NASA gave them hundreds of millions of dollars before they had even launched a rocket, then hundreds of millions more for the further rocket developments.

Tesla's cash-flow is mightily bolstered by carbon credits which it gets for being green, and then sells onto less green car companies.

For all Musk's talk about small government his companies are very embedded with government subsidies and grants.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I read your post thanks..But who I follow and who I choose to read on Twitter is my choice.For instance there's only certain journalists from the Guardian that I follow or read.Most of my feed is cycling and sport.Bit of humour also !
But the news is instantaneous,usually well before it even gets to paper or tv.
But if like yourself you insist on reading sh1te that you find beneath you....I'd say stick with the Sun crossword,it's more you.😁
Very defensive there, we all have choice.

What shite do I read? Where have I said which newspaper(s) I read or which are beneath me. You are just making stuff up now.

Deleted member 49

Very defensive there, we all have choice.

What shite do I read? Where have I said which newspaper(s) I read or which are beneath me. You are just making stuff up now. am I defensive there ?
You choose what media you read or even watch.I choose Twitter to read what I want.
I can't see the difference,you were the one who said this...
How much better for one's soul to avoid it permanently.

It must be a real dilemma for many who regard themselves as among the righteous to decide between soul and twitter.
So you choose not to use Twitter but you get your media and news elsewhere.Now I'm sure you rarely read the Mail,Sun etc...just as I choose not to online.Ia there that much of a difference ?
I follow various sports people,sometimes even interact with people wow ! Chris Froome actually replied to me once and I've never got over it 🙄
The difference being I can find out what I want to know,strikes,news as it happens.I can contact my union/insurance/airline.As it happens I've found a complaint against a company on Twitter seems to get better response than any phone calls etc.
But I get that it's not for you,it's not for everyone...I was righteous and opinionated well before I opened a Twitter account 😁

Rusty Nails

Country Member am I defensive there ?
You choose what media you read or even watch.I choose Twitter to read what I want.
I can't see the difference,you were the one who said this...

So you choose not to use Twitter but you get your media and news elsewhere.Now I'm sure you rarely read the Mail,Sun etc...just as I choose not to online.Ia there that much of a difference ?
I follow various sports people,sometimes even interact with people wow ! Chris Froome actually replied to me once and I've never got over it 🙄
The difference being I can find out what I want to know,strikes,news as it happens.I can contact my union/insurance/airline.As it happens I've found a complaint against a company on Twitter seems to get better response than any phone calls etc.
But I get that it's not for you,it's not for everyone...I was righteous and opinionated well before I opened a Twitter account 😁

I accept I concentrate on the negative points of Twitter, especially what it might become under Musk, as I fully understand the uses companies and people make of it as a communication and information tool. I can fully understand why a company responds to a complaint on Twitter faster than they do a complaint by phone or email because of their fear of the spread of bad publicity rather than their desire to improve their service.

I am sure you are able to separate the BS from the genuine stuff.

My original post which you responded to had an element of mocking the great man Musk, as I know very little about what constitutes a soul, never mind whether there is such a thing or what is good for it.
As with most things, Twitter can be wonderful and terrible. Often all at once.

My issue with the complaints about Musk - who likewise can be many things - is that Twitter wasn't some halcyon site before he arrived. The moderation had an angle to it; it wasn't fair or balanced. The news and trending tweets were 'curated' - which means biased to promote what folk at Twitter wanted you to see, or not see. You could be suspended for something innocuous that didn't conform to Twitter's liberal bias, yet child abuse material wasn't removed.

Any huge public publishing platform like Twitter is always going to reflect the bias of its owners, it's just a question of degree.
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