All media in in more or less form adress Hunter Biden's past cocaine abuse, however at present the question where it came from hasn't been answered. And an video claiming that Hunter Biden was in the white house on the 4th of July (2 days before the cocaine was found) has proven to be false.No. The original statement was "cocaine found at Biden's house". My alternative to the statement was "Cocaine found on Government property in a part used by visitors." There was no mention of, nor implication, that it was a member of the public. Neither did I read anything which raised concerns linking the discovery to Hunter Biden, other than from right wing media.
To be honest my opinion about him didn't change, so to clarify when i called him more of an left hippie, i didn't see him an any less of a thug.I am glad you acknowledge he was a thug, rather than your earlier reference to he was more known to be left hippie like than a far right extremist.
ok, didn't intent to do that.Although to correct the words inspired and fueled to which you are incorrectly attributing to me, I said he was a thug motivated by MAGA propaganda.
And the K.K.K. was advocating to vote for Obama instead of Hillary Clinton because they found the idea of a woman as president even worse than a black male president.. So let's not give the republicans to much credit here and acknowledge that the Us is different from Europe and a women in a powerfull position is a issue for some men, not in the least the ones in power. Doesn't mean i deny the republican's campaign i'm only pointing out there is much more to it.Nancy Pelosi has been vilified and dehumanised by Republicans for decades. They despised her as the most powerful woman in Washington.
Yes the police transcript makes that very clearPaul Pelosi's attacker had intended to harm Nancy Pelosi.
And your source of this is? i ask that because here is where it is getting foggy, there are indeed reports of an whole list but also reports if him going left and right on whatever he supported politically and the attack being merely the result of the mood swing at the time along with certain type of drugs.He has also been reported as dealing in conspiracy theories and is said to have gathered “names and addresses” of people he believed were “systematically and deliberately” destroying American freedom and liberty.
Surely that link is there but that alone is not enough to say that it's ''maga propaganda'' Qanon existed long before ''maga'' and is much more an magnet for loonies, especially the ones prepared and able to use violence's. and if you think it is, there is quite a long list of left wing violence's that you than have to link to ''democrats propaganda'' in the same way. But both isn't true, getting linked with either democrats or republican/maga is just an usefull idoits kind of thing for them.Trump made no secret of his dislike of her, claiming she hated the Republican party and she hated the people who voted for him.
Given that since the November election, MAGA Republicans have fuelled Q Anon and other conspiracies, with hundreds if not thousands of false claims about the election, coupled with quite often vile attacks on the Biden family, surely you can see the link with MAGA propaganda?
that's why you're text is in quotation marks and the highlighted phrase is not.(where the forum software puts an rectangle around it) it's literally my response, so that is indeed written by me.Again you are attributing to me comments I have not written. The highlighted phrase is yours not mine.
i don't agree with you on this one, it is very sad but if you work in this level of politics sadly you need the think about your security. That is the price that comes with the job. I assume you put an lock on your bike too, alltough nobody should take it if you forget to lock it, if you claim insurance they will say you should have locked it, would you say to you insurer they ''victim blaming'' should that happen?It has everything to do with you victim blaming. The Pelosis presumably had security at their home they thought was adequate for their needs.
Surely the events are more severe in this case but other than that the thread is nothing new.
i did indeed mean the Us goverment, it's a bit harder then expected to find info this as they are quite tight lipped apperently but this article: https://www.businessinsider.com/nan...al-security-detail-coverage-2022-10?r=US&IR=T went back in time to find some older officials who said they did receive protection, and Ocasio-Cortez said she spendSo far as I am aware "the state", by which I assume you mean the US Government, is not tasked with providing security to members of the Government, other than to members of the executive. Members of Congress and the Senate also receive protection while they are at the Capitol. Although if I am wrong about this I am happy to be corrected.
120k on additional personal security as she is seen as just as much at risk as Pelosi.
I don't have an indept knowledge of the us lawsystem on this particular matter, but an ''slate of electors '' deliberately saying the wrong thing, is i assume responsible for his own words? and false claims etc. The other things like decaused persons voting, voting machines, have all been countered with recounts, records that show all people where alive at the time of writing and so on. and the surpreme court with Trump installed judges ruled the results valid, so it seems to me it all done an dusted then right?It has nothing to with what legally took place, neither is voter fraud restricted to the highlighted text. For example:
Votes being cast which should not have been made, as with say deceased persons.
The slate of electors, (those responsible for submitting to Washington details of who actually won), claiming (say) a MAGA Republican won when actually a Democrat won.
Interference with the electronic voting equipment,
Making false claims of election fraud in order to persuade state election officials and legislators to subvert the democratic process and to change electoral votes.
i mean if this is voter fraud there is quite an list of to be charged induvial and news stations, not only now but also when Trump on because back then all the left wing media did exactly the same.