it isn't it just doesn't suit your narrative that is something else, again i have no doubt you would use similar words if it was about Trumps son
The arrogance of dumping a laptop in a computer store rather than binning it? You are talking bollocks.
As to Trump's son, unlike your use of the term arrogance with Hunter Biden, my words would be far stronger.
never heard of the words and or phrases corruption, abuse of power, misleading and them some more who all come down to the same thing goverments are not keen on relatives/close aides etc. making shady bussiness deals and or proposals using their name.
So if Hunter Biden was ever part of the Biden or Obama adminstration really doesn't matter.
It's called connections. And whilst it is unsavoury, it is a fact of many aspects of life, not just political.
So if you would like to point to evidence where Jo Biden influenced his son benefitting from his position as VP or President, please provide it.
Well if that's the only detail you seem to pull from it, but i get it you got a change to tell once again what i lunatic bith that is, agree with you on that one, Green is really an crazy one.
I do not understand this sentence. You referenced Hunter Biden's cocaine use to the finding in the White House, with seemingly no justification. I was drawing a comparison.
If they did replace him, lots of what you call maga propaganda you call would have noticed and call them out for it. So they choose the Epstein approach keep qoite make and deal that punishes nothing and justifies everything, an there you got point 1 again, you known the thing you call Bollocks, the arrogance of knowing he gets away with it all spelled out for you.
So what do you think isn't MAGA propaganda? For example, the public pronouncements about Trump being a victim? Or the claims that the DoJ has been weaponised under Jo Biden? Of course the Republicans would have called him out, that's the nature of politics.
It is interesting to note that MAGA Republicans having called for Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, now that David Weiss has been given Special Counsel privileges, they now claim this is a cover up. You really can't make this sh1t up.
That's indeed Biden's most used phrase ''Trumps fault'' But also a habbit the democrats have to often, hell Trump rediculled them for it even before he was elected. Speaking of something you known that FBi investigation that lead to nothing but the democrats pretended it did anyway? that was done under the Trump administration. (the one with the fabricated story that Trump paid hookers to piss on a hotel room bed because obama was there first or somehing.)
You seem to do exactly what i say above, one standard for the one you politically agree with and one standard for the other..
WTF has the Trump piss tape got to do with this discussion?
I hold Jo Biden to the same level of standard as applied to Trump. If he is found to have done something wrong then he should be accountable. But for the time being, you and MAGA Republicans have done little else but keep repeating Hunter Biden ad nauseum, and giving the impression that the orange convicted rapist is being persecuted for no reason at all and that he is not responsible for stoking the fires of hatred and death threats towards members of Congress, the Judiciary and the Department of Justice.
Well he has an comment section feel free to let him known
I merely told you as a service, given you considered the MSNBC video to which I linked as one sided.

I prefer my sources from elsewhere.