USA Midterms....

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He's always been a bit bonkers, but there does appear something in his claims that those presently in power are out to get him.

Seems to me Imran Khan is in a similar position in Pakistan, 'they' are always nicking him for something, the latest being selling official gifts received while in office.

Hard for me to see Khan as the devil incarnate, after all he was a skilled all round cricketer and great to watch when on form.

Khan is a massive problem to parts of the Pakistani establishment, particularly the military. Since Independence the country has been under Martial Law for a significant part of its history. Off the top of my head at least three of its then current or past Presidents or PM's, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, his daughter and Zia ul-Haq were hanged or assassinated. Two other members of Bhutto's family met their deaths young, one by a bullet and another probably poisoned.

The current acting PM was put there by the Army.

Trump, by comparison, took office at a time when the US had the look and feel of a functioning democracy. A blind man on a flying horse would struggle to see his actions in Jan 21 as anything other than an exhortation to those invading the Capitol. He's on record as having attempted to influence, one might say lean on, Georgia to flip the outcome of the 2020 election.

The surprise is not that he is being investigated but that his grip on the GOP is so tight that no honest politician can get near the numbers needed to get him out of being the favourite to be their candidate next year.

Pale Rider

Yes, being the opposition candidate for Karachi Central does look rather hazardous.


Senior Member
Little evidence? a Laptop full with emails in which he claimed to be able to open doors due to being the son off, so that is an step further. Trump gave his daughter and son in law senior positions, but that was an whole other discussion.
What i said and i stand by that is that if in an hypothetical situation the same thing would had happened but then with Trump's son instead of Bidens but further exactly the same so dickpicks, emails suggesting to make corrupt deals etc. etc. the usual's suspects on this forum would be all over eachother to condemn that terrible Trump.

But it's not Trump so those who i just described pretend like their noses are bleeding, and claim it's all fine and nothing serious which is wrong in my view. One standard for the one and a other for the other has tought us in many different history lessons not to be an good idea. Even if you don't like the idea's of the other party.

I don't think he will be pardonned, i mean those documents is one of the charges and there is video evidence and recorded phone calls and testimonies against him, i mean even with the best lawyers he won't win that, and that are 3 or 4 charges i think. The election meddling focused ones are more complicated, first off because it doesn't happen very often second off because circumstances matter, and like i said before democrats have just as much created the circumstances.

To the post paragraph I get the what about the other way around. And if Hunter wants a few bumps of coke in his dads house/office then so what? No big deal million’s of people do it.
It’s the young hookers he’s pictured with that’s seedy. I don’t know if any were under age but the photos looked bad.

He can only be pardoned if someone gets in next who’ll be sympathetic to him. Either way the charges won’t lose him influence.


Well-Known Member
He can only be pardoned if someone gets in next who’ll be sympathetic to him. Either way the charges won’t lose him influence.
Trump can only be pardoned, whether by him for himself, or another successor to the present Biden administration, for Federal crimes. This is presumably one of the reasons why certain members of the Trump administration and I think at least one member of Congress, sought pardons for their roles in the election overturning process before Trump left office. Although quite why someone would need to seek a pardon if they thought they had done nothing wrong is a mystery.
State crimes are not pardonable by a President, which makes the New York and Georgia prosecutions more interesting. There could also be some overspill from the Michigan prosecution of those charged with election fraud; again because of the lack of a presidential pardon.
I believe the rules for each state can be different, but prison time seems to be a requirement for both New York and Georgia.


The surprise is not that he is being investigated but that his grip on the GOP is so tight that no honest politician can get near the numbers needed to get him out of being the favourite to be their candidate next year.

This is the saddest thing about the whole GOP situation.
They have no interest in governing for the population as a whole. Nor any understanding of the global implications of a second Trump term.
It’s just purely short term self interest and lowest common denominator populism. Any honest voices get totally lost.


The court cases will be weird. It was said at the start of 2021 that Trump had already made 30573 false misleading claims in 4 years.

So any claim of 'genuine belief' has the fact that he lies about near everything as good evidence he as no belief whatsoever, just lies.
This is the saddest thing about the whole GOP situation.
They have no interest in governing for the population as a whole. Nor any understanding of the global implications of a second Trump term.
It’s just purely short term self interest and lowest common denominator populism. Any honest voices get totally lost.

Agreed, but if where being fair, that exact feeling off resentment that the elite(and yes that includes lots of democrats) have for the ones that need to elect them, is the very reason Trump got so much votes in the first place. False picture or not he sold the story off ''i'm different, i stand up for the average joe'' is what got Trump elected the first time around and now it seems to be ''the there out to get me'' no matter what he does there always someone else to blame.

but that does not take away that the system in itself is broken, fueled by lobbyist rather then idea's, fuelled by money rather than political ideals. That's why Epstein was able to operate his nasty ways for so long.


but that does not take away that the system in itself is broken, fueled by lobbyist rather then idea's, fuelled by money rather than political ideals. That's why Epstein was able to operate his nasty ways for so long.

Oh, that is indeed true. The tragedy is that those that would stand to gain the most from fixing the system would rather support someone like Trump, who is the epitome of what's wrong with that system, than someone like Ocasio that wants to fix the system to the benefit of the majority.
Oh, that is indeed true. The tragedy is that those that would stand to gain the most from fixing the system would rather support someone like Trump, who is the epitome of what's wrong with that system, than someone like Ocasio that wants to fix the system to the benefit of the majority.
Don't agree with you on Ocasio, first off she is politcally quite far to the left, while i think the fix the system in the Us you need someone who is somewhat in the middle, who can as easily talk with republican's as with democrats. Compared to europe the US has some very basic things not in order like healthcare of the ways schools are funded. Someone with the charisma of Obama or Clinton.
But the way all fractions are driven apart by now means even if such a person will stands up and even would get elected it would take years for some results will show.


Don't agree with you on Ocasio, first off she is politcally quite far to the left, while i think the fix the system in the Us you need someone who is somewhat in the middle, who can as easily talk with republican's as with democrats. Compared to europe the US has some very basic things not in order like healthcare of the ways schools are funded. Someone with the charisma of Obama or Clinton.
But the way all fractions are driven apart by now means even if such a person will stands up and even would get elected it would take years for some results will show.



Senior Member
Agreed, but if where being fair, that exact feeling off resentment that the elite(and yes that includes lots of democrats) have for the ones that need to elect them, is the very reason Trump got so much votes in the first place. False picture or not he sold the story off ''i'm different, i stand up for the average joe'' is what got Trump elected the first time around and now it seems to be ''the there out to get me'' no matter what he does there always someone else to blame.

but that does not take away that the system in itself is broken, fueled by lobbyist rather then idea's, fuelled by money rather than political ideals. That's why Epstein was able to operate his nasty ways for so long.

Epsteins best clients run the world so they can’t be named from the list. George Soros might be on. Bill Gates a possibility too, plus the rest of their ilk.
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I'm not sure it's been established Gates went to the island. It does seem to be a relationship that started after Epstein's first conviction though. That would have been a red flag enough for most high profile people. What is it now, 2 years? And still no sign of any prosecutions or information on the others involved. Hard to believe Epstein and Maxwell were organising it all by themselves in secret.

the snail

Active Member
Ohh well reassuring, you think ''left wing attacks are far rarer'' i think that whole thought is dangerous, but no no mass killing spree's but if it would be 20 people killed in a mass killing spree or 20 poeple killed in separate incidents, does it really matter? i mean the suffering, voilence etc. is still the same, both cases it leave families missing their loved ones. But real numbers are lacking, also due to the fact mass murderers get more media attention. And also other thing a few years back that 18 year old that shot one of the left wing protestors was actually the target of that very same left wing protestor(then for blm) if he had'nt shot first he would have been killed.(yes if you look at all the footage that's the only logical conclussion) i very much doubt that would have gotten the same media attention.
Are gay rights and or cilimate activist by defenition left wing?

less people viewing, pretty simple. There is indeed an rise in alternative media, from all sides of the political spectrum

Based on his solo ''interviews'' agreed he won't make it. Hell he gave Andrew Tate so much room to promote himself he almost sounded like an reasonable guy.

Agree on Trump, not on Corbyn saw an hours long interview with him once with an left wing variant of Carlson, hard to call him not radical after that. Having said that i think an radicall would be better for labour than the current ''where do they actually stand for'' position

So you can't think of any examples of left-wing violent attacks then?
So you can't think of any examples of left-wing violent attacks then?
sure in Tennese recently a mass shooting even.
Now i known how this is going to pan out because it's a repetitive playbook you gonna come up with a lift of 300 other events and claim it's right wing is far worse.
I think both are just as bad just to be clear here, but the average media coverage is different if it involves anything close to left wing. out of the blue for example the AP(source linked article above ) came with an article claiming there are claims of a sharp rise in transgender mass murderers are false.
And there is a other thing you can get a far more balanced picture if you trawl more local in this case us news, however due to eu privacy laws europe(including uk) is blocked on most US local only sites.
sure i can get an vpn and stuff but to be honest with you i momentarily don't have the time.
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