The Christian right seem to prefer the thug. Maybe
@Unkraut could explain that to humanists like me.
I think there is reasonable agreement that Trump's character and lack of personal morality is appalling. Some wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances because of this, but others would despite this. He did actually do some conservative things when he was in office.
He appointed justices to the Supreme Court who enabled Roe v Wade to be overturned. The issue of abortion at the top of the list of moral wickedness in the eyes of most American evangelicals, and they have worked tirelessly to get it overturned. I might add they don't all just criticise but actually offer real help to mothers as an alternative.
Much of the reason many would still vote for him is to keep the Democrats out, not because they like him. The Democrats have drifted to the left.
Issues I have seen discussed include opposition to the LGBT agenda in schools (many homeschool because of this) where a child can be encouraged to go in the direction of transitioning, this can be done without parental knowledge or consent, and if they object they can lose custody of the child. Also the homosexual agenda, where this mustn't just be tolerated, it must be celebrated. There were famous cases of a florist and a baker who were Christians who couldn't go along with this as a matter of conscience who were subject to ruinous fines on their businesses. Evangelicals are well aware of this. I think some more recent court cases may have reigned this in, under the protection of religion clauses in the Constitution. Leftist justices could reverse this in future.
Black lives matter - Marxists who are out to cause trouble and who actually care little if anything for the welfare of the black community. More
blacks have died in BLM induced violence than are killed by white policemen in a couple of decades, and similarly more blacks die in black on black violence in just Chicago every weekend of the year than are killed by white policement in decades. That gets ignored.
Large evangelical church in California initially abided by the Corona rules, but then started meeting again when they perceived govt overreach where the rules were being misused to stop them meeting, with dire warnings of the horrendous outbreak they would have by meeting. 10 000 membership. My own assumption was they were likely covid deniers, but they have subsequently sued the govt and won every case. The govt was exceeding its powers. And there was no outbreak either. There was and is a lot of distrust of government, and when this sort of thing happens you can understand why. It really is a different culture to Europe.
I do find them to be more to the right than I would be happy with, but there again we in Europe might have got too used to expecting the govt to look after us from the cradle to the grave.