USA Midterms....

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Elder Goth
Great post.

Reminds me of Sunday School - being told about gentle Jesus, meek and mild. He seemed pretty cool, until I approached confirmation and was told of all the (enjoyable) things I mustn't do, and told about all the old men in gowns I had to respect. Psshaww!

Jesus was awesome I reckon. Total hippy, pan and poly, shagging at least one of his disciples and cavorting around turning water into wine.

Absolute legend.


Well-Known Member
Jesus was awesome I reckon. Total hippy, pan and poly, shagging at least one of his disciples and cavorting around turning water into wine.

Absolute legend.
Other than the last four words of your first paragraph, I don't recall my Catholic teachers and priests mentioning any of the other stuff, when I was growing up.
I might have been more engaged had they done so. 😁


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
when he gets into trouble watch for the Falklands to come up in the conversation!

I think it already has


Well-Known Member
Looks like having taken a plea agreement in Georgia, the lawyer Ken Cheseborough will be spending his immediate future talking with various prosecutors and state Attorney Generals.
He is an unindicted co conspirator in Jack Smith's Washington DC prosecution of Trump, so what he tells Jack Smith will be crucial, both to Cheseborough potentially being prosecuted or taking a plea deal, but also to Trump's currently claimed defence of reliance upon legal advice.
And it seems the Attorney Generals in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other states may be interested in speaking with Cheseborough, in connection with the fake electors scheme. Presumably there are concerns about a repetition in future elections and whether state laws have been broken by as yet not publicly identified individuals.
when he gets into trouble watch for the Falklands to come up in the conversation!

He seems to be making his position (which could politely be called somewhat radical) clear on quite a few things. Just what the world needs right now, another eccentric, maverick 'character' running a major country.
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' Trump’s angry mindset was revealed on Veterans Day when he denigrated foes as “vermin” who needed to be “rooted out”, echoing fascist rhetoric from Italy and Germany in the 1930s.

“I’m hard-pressed to find any candidates anywhere who are so open that they would use the power of the state to go after critics and enemies,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard government professor and co-author of How Democracies Die.

“This is one of the most openly authoritarian campaigns I’ve ever seen. You have to go back to the far-right authoritarians in the 1930s in Europe or in 1970s Latin America to find the kind of dehumanizing and violent language that Trump is starting to consistently use.” '


Well-Known Member

' Trump’s angry mindset was revealed on Veterans Day when he denigrated foes as “vermin” who needed to be “rooted out”, echoing fascist rhetoric from Italy and Germany in the 1930s.

“I’m hard-pressed to find any candidates anywhere who are so open that they would use the power of the state to go after critics and enemies,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard government professor and co-author of How Democracies Die.

“This is one of the most openly authoritarian campaigns I’ve ever seen. You have to go back to the far-right authoritarians in the 1930s in Europe or in 1970s Latin America to find the kind of dehumanizing and violent language that Trump is starting to consistently use.” '
There have been numerous times, both recently and in Trump's past, where he has used phrases from Mein Kampf.
I read a couple of weeks or so ago that he used to have a copy on his bedside table. Although Trump and reading a book are not an obvious pairing. Did Ladybird books do a version?


Master of the Inane Comment
And yet you would remove rights of personal bodily autonomy
That's not and never has been the issue for American evangelicals (or Catholics for that matter).
Many on the Christian right care nothing for children once they are actually born, ...
Not true. Some only criticise but do nothing to help, but plenty are willing to help in a variety of practical ways. Not least provision of the necessities of life, and a willingness to adopt children at their own expense if the mother goes through with the pregnancy. Take on a life-long burden of support. And yes they do seek to persuade women not to end a pregnancy.
This has less to do with care for potential children than loss of control over the lives of women, hence the hate for feminists and feminism
It's all about control of women, and their bodies, and yes even a distaste for the idea that women might choose to have sex for reasons other than procreation.
No it is not about the control of women. If expressed in terms of rights, it is the unborn child's right to life is greater than the mother's right (assuming there is one) to bodily autonomy. I would also add half at least of US evangelicals are women.

It is wrong to treat American evangelicalism as a monolithic block. Some have even embraced wokism, and having spent years getting rid of any vestiges of racial segregation have started segregating again under its divisive influence. Even 'doing walks of shame' for those born white, as though that were in some way sinful. Insanity.
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