War with Russia

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Do you think you can get to be a doctor without education, Shep? What about a military pilot? What about a software or hardware engineer? What about a psychologist?

Why do you think these professions are graduate entry, Shep?

Or maybe your 'University of Life' will suffice :laugh:

Deleted member 28

Do you think you can get to be a doctor without education, Shep? What about a military pilot? What about a software or hardware engineer? What about a psychologist?

Why do you think these professions are graduate entry, Shep?

Or maybe your 'University of Life' will suffice :laugh:

I'm guessing you're non of the above but always wanted to be, if you really have such a hard on for me I can send you some laminated selfies if you want?

I think you're a little bit infatuated now and it's not healthy for you, have you got any 'friends ' you can speak to in order to guide you through this spell?

Deleted member 28

So you can't answer the question :whistle:

Of course you need further education for these careers, whenever did I say you didn't?

My issue with you is that you seem to think that anyone who isn't as well educated is a poorer person for it and they somehow look up to people like you.

As I've already said I know lads who are really quite wealthy due to 'having to do' manual work, builders, body shop owners etc but for some reason you think these people must really have wanted to get a degree and become, well, whatever an 'enhanced ' education gives you.


Of course you need further education for these careers, whenever did I say you didn't?

Higher, not further.

My issue with you is that you seem to think that anyone who isn't as well educated is a poorer person for it and they somehow look up to people like you.

You don't know what I think, Shep,and it certainly isn't what you think it is. You've got an incredibly entrenched view of the world, are almost pathologically closed-minded, and this is why I'm having a little play with you.

Your whole schtick here is crude and tedious anti-intellectualism that belongs in the 1950s. My response is a crude intellectual snobbery. There is little point engaging with you on any other terms, which is why nobody here does.


Right about that


Senior Member
This argument is tedious. I think it should be settled with a 10 mile time trial. At the end you shake hands & I present the winner with a CC medal & bottle of Leffe.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Bit of a sad day though, isn't it?Functioning purely as some sort of bizarre coprophile scavenger on a cycling forum.

Not a sad day at all. Just been taking advantage of the dry weather for a bike ride and a coffee on the coast. Struggled a bit on the hills but still a pleasure.

I must admit to having never come across the word coprophile before, and have not tried the pastime, but am glad to learn something new from your undoubted extensive knowledge of it. :okay: I am not sure it is the insult you think it is as that would imply you are admitting to something unpleasantly shitty about the spat between you and Shep.

I am not sure this classifies as a cycling forum, other than the name.
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