War with Russia

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Toby Young - the angry testicle
Screenshot 2022-02-27 193327.jpg


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I'm still here, and still of the opinion that if NATO had got it's arse in gear, and mobilised early wouldn't be in this mess.
Also, am still firmly of the opinion that the Russian military is a shadow of its propoganda. Much of their equipment is old and outdated compared to NATO which has both numerical and financial superiority.
Furthermore there are plenty lessons from Russia's own history that shows that taking cities from a well organised patriotic defence is a very blood-heavy endeavour.
The point about conscripts and the morale of the Russian forces is a good one. IIRC a few years back they were not even being paid properly such were the state of tge countries finances.
Russia's people are poor. Living conditions for the majority are low by western standards. I can't see them wanting more millions of Roubles spent fighting a war few Russians want. Also there has been a big generational shift since Putin came to power. The young, the travelled and the educated don't care about the USSR, they have grown with the internet, with freedom to travel internationally, they see through Putins lies. Hopefully now their time will come.

So despite the propaganda, I don't belive this is playing that well at home. The world is united in its condemnation, and those 'close' to Putin are feeling their livelyhoods seriously curtailled and realise Russia is about to become an economic basket case. Even China seems embarrassed into silence.

Putin is a cornered rat. This is his last throw of the dice, his Chechna. The west needs to steady the buffs, support Ukraine and others in the region in any way possible. The only remaining question is how many on both sides need to die before Putin's days are over.
It's a bloody mess but freedom can and will prevail.

Tend to agree with much of that. I have actually been there (Russia and Ukraine), true, it was 30 years ago, but, it was an enlightening experience.


Master of the Inane Comment
€100 000 billion to be spent on making the Bundeswehr fit to fight again following years of neglect and our old Conservative friend, saving money. It might have been better to have read the signs of the times and done something about this earlier. The inspector general has said the army is in no condition to go into action.

The country is also going to increase its defence spending to at least 2% of GDP.


On the one hand I agree with you on the need to invest a lot more in sustainable sources of energy such as tidal energy......reliable and predictable sources for which we are surrounded by in the UK.

Unfortunately I can also see fresh calls being made for fracking in the UK being treated more sympathetically as an alternative to gas supplies from dictatorships in the short/medium term until those more sustainable forms of energy come on stream.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Oh I know

Theres still plenty craven enough to try to exploit a crisis like this for their own short term gains.

But we already have another crisis on our hands.
The climate one..

In many ways they're linked.

By mindset, as well as by material reality..


Deleted member 49

Even Toby Young is going to be right once in a while. I can see it happening.

When you don't like something sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "La la la la la" at the top of your voice doesn't make it go away.
When you live in the area there fracking and going under your property,earth tremors....maybe you'll try and sound a little less enthusiastic ?
Or maybe you haven't a clue....:rolleyes:


Senior Member
What criteria are you using for this? Describe amazing in this context, rather than throwing words at your computer hoping some of them will stick.

By the way, the SAS are used for special ops, not for an invasion or large scale attack. There are only around 500 of them.

What criteria are you using for this? Describe amazing in this context, rather than throwing words at your computer hoping some of them will stick.

By the way, the SAS are used for special ops, not for an invasion or large scale attack. There are only around 500 of them.
Who do you think you are? I know what the SAS are. Someone mentioned Spetsnaz been killed at an air field. I said I have no proof of this. Spetsnaz are a Russian equivalent special forces to ours which is the only reason I compared them. You know total cr@p.
& instead of contributing in a sensible way you just go out to antagonise peaceful members of C.C.

Deleted member 28

Lol ...like I give a feck
Absolutely mate, I dropped an apostrophe in the wrong place once and you would have thought I'd f***ed one of their Daughters!

Love it here though as it reminds me how lucky I am to be still in touch with the real world.


Über Member
When you live in the area there fracking and going under your property,earth tremors....maybe you'll try and sound a little less enthusiastic ?
Or maybe you haven't a clue....:rolleyes:
I may be wrong here, I'm sure Rusty will correct me if I am, but I'm not sure he's asking for a return to fracking, or saying he supports it, he's saying that the reliance of Europe on Russia for its fossil fuels, and the certain distruption to that and turning away from Russia in general, will likely see renewed calls for fracking in countries like, for example, the UK.

He may however be calling for fracking on the Beacons, I don't doubt he'll let us know.
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