War with Russia

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I’ve heard that after all these sanctions & cancel culture we are still buying 2 billion £ worth of gas from Russia.
Yeah it's contracts and people don't like to be left in the cold. But the whole issue is those contracts in the first place, i mean Russia is behaving badly for like 10/15 years now? Maybe not the best long term commitment?

I bet when BrExit happened Putin laughed & drank champagne.
I think he couldn't care less

What will happen is Russia will take a few countries without much resistance then in 2 years start building diplomacy back up with everyone. Our government are a bunch of self serving criminals who constantly lie & can’t be trusted with anything.
To be honest that would be the best outcome in terms off i think he will regroup, grow stronger and try to take on Nato, if doesn't meet any resistance now or will be a bigger issue later.


Master of the Inane Comment
Disturbing news about a Russian attack on a nuclear power station in the Ukraine (Saporischschja). It was hit by artillery and a fire started, but this has now been extinguished and there is no indication of increased radiation in the area. Apparently it was the administration block that was hit.

Shows what a dangerous game Putin is playing. Have they learnt nothing from Chernobyl - radiation is no respecter of borders.
Disturbing news about a Russian attack on a nuclear power station in the Ukraine (Saporischschja). It was hit by artillery and a fire started, but this has now been extinguished and there is no indication of increased radiation in the area. Apparently it was the administration block that was hit.

Shows what a dangerous game Putin is playing. Have they learnt nothing from Chernobyl - radiation is no respecter of borders.
Jup, geneva convention? fark it, not hinting civilians? Just call the country leaders gansters who use human shields..(maybe he should ask palestine how real human shields work, they are the experts) A nuclear power plant? just bomb the thing what could possibly go wrong?


It crazy’s, especially as the prevailing wind blows to the east.
When Chernobyl went up the wind direction was unusually blowing to the north west.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's contracts and people don't like to be left in the cold. But the whole issue is those contracts in the first place, i mean Russia is behaving badly for like 10/15 years now? Maybe not the best long term commitment?

The motivation (esp for Germany) to build energy trading relationship with Russia - aside from it being jolly convenient - appears to be the belief that this would stabilise Russia / EU relationship. Based on the assumption that countries that have critical trade with each other don't tend to go to war with each other. Instead, Putin is leveraging the reliance on gas to try to mute the West's response to the invasion.

I think he couldn't care less

Putin has been wanting to sideline the US in global politics and fracture the EU for many, many years. For nearly a decade, Putin and his chums have been pouring in dark money to further those aims and you can bet that Brexit was a key part of this. Even the intelligence report commissioned by the Trump administration said as much. The UK report into Russia influence was pretty conclusive that "Russian influence in British politics was commonplace". Funnily enough they didn't find evidence of Russian involvement in the Brexit campaign. Why? Because the scope of the report specifically didn't authorise investigation relating to Brexit. I wonder why

Deleted member 49

Who needs a war for gas prices to go through the fecking roof !


Senior Member
It all over for Putin now

Wetherspoons are stopping selling Russian Beer

That'll show 'em


Senior Member
We have 50% North Sea gas but the energy companies are just ripping everyone off.
It’s time to start fracking. All the environmental damage stuff is mostly all B.S. muck & chemicals coming through ones tap? Poppycock!!!


Senior Member
Frack off. (I do know you’re just attention seeking.)

It’s time to leave it in the ground and reduce our addiction to fossil fuels. If not now, when?
Maybe you’re right. It’s successful in the USA in open lower populated spaces. I think we need a few state of the art modern nuclear power stations & more wind/hydro power.
Heat pump boilers are supposed to take off in new builds now.
The motivation (esp for Germany) to build energy trading relationship with Russia - aside from it being jolly convenient - appears to be the belief that this would stabilise Russia / EU relationship. Based on the assumption that countries that have critical trade with each other don't tend to go to war with each other. Instead, Putin is leveraging the reliance on gas to try to mute the West's response to the invasion.
Some persons use the same motivation to stay with their abusive partner. The problem is it seldom gets any better but it mostly gets worse, because you give the abuser or abusive country in this case more leverage, something to overpower you, or in this case nato/eu You would expect them to know better. At the very least they could have set conditions etc.

Putin has been wanting to sideline the US in global politics and fracture the EU for many, many years. For nearly a decade, Putin and his chums have been pouring in dark money to further those aims and you can bet that Brexit was a key part of this. Even the intelligence report commissioned by the Trump administration said as much. The UK report into Russia influence was pretty conclusive that "Russian influence in British politics was commonplace". Funnily enough they didn't find evidence of Russian involvement in the Brexit campaign. Why? Because the scope of the report specifically didn't authorise investigation relating to Brexit. I wonder why
''Dark money'' that's the strawman, laterly it his been upgraded too ''they all put their money in crypto currency'' which is ''uncontrolable'' so ,maybe in about 1-3 months time their will be widespread calls to control crypto currency, which off course won't hurt the real dirty money but will hurt normal transactions.

You know if you look at the other side, thankfully the still reachable from the uk rt news for a consistent time you start to recognise paterns, surely i don't beleive any of their ''special opperation'' ''Ukraine are all nazi's'' BS but in a way they say the same as the ''dark money'' strawman, where we say dark money they say ''the west'' but the idea is the same.
But the main picture is a bit simpler, Putin is intrested in his main threats that are the Us and Nato, the eu and uk also long before bexit have been infiltrated so far that they are on itself not longer a threat to him, more like a toy. And that is what we saw once again today, the Nato came with an statement ''we are ready'' but could'nt go much futher as letting 2 b52's fly along the Ukranian border.. The Netherlands did the same with Germany during the second world war, and when germany finally invaded it took them less than a weak.. turns out being ready puts you always on the backhand if you enemy can choose the moment of attack.

You shouldn't always strike first but when the enemy insist on war, maybe start by taking away the abilty to wager it, that's what an no-fly zone in part would have archieved.
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