War with Russia

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Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
Get out there now. Put your own life on the line if you dare .

You won't because you're a coward.

Emotional nonsense.

What's your solution?

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
It's not inevitable and is totally impossible, as it has been since the both sides built a huge arsenal of thermonuclear weapons.
What if Putin is like one of those men who can't handle losing a custody battle?
Instead of turning up at the marital farm, shooting his wife and kids, burning down the house then shooting himself Putin can press the button and the whole world can go to f***.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
The only way out is talk and talk some more .

This is so obviously the best, and probably the only way out, but it takes two sides who are both willing to talk and there is precious little evidence of that happening, especially from the aggressor who wants to weaken Ukraine further to strengthen his hand. There have been attempts to broker peace talks from other countries, and recently the Secretary General of the UN went to talk to both leaders......with no peace talks arising.

In the meantime how should the current situation be managed; withdraw all military aid from Ukraine, reward Russia's aggression and give Russia a free hand to walk into other countries...because that will happen?

I do not have the answer to this catastrophe, perhaps you do have a practical solution, although all I see so far are John & Yoko style clichés and no solutions.
It's not inevitable and is totally impossible, as it has been since the both sides built a huge arsenal of thermonuclear weapons.
That says absolutely nothing, other than that it is an strong deterrent from using those weapons because if you fire them you can expect them back, in case off Russia they can expect them from the us, uk, France etc. That is *if* they succeeded a successful launch.

The only way out is talk and talk some more .
A bit like you talk here so far in this topic, you say talk talk talk and if someone than says something else you call them idiots..
There is a point where talking does'nt work an there is a point where it becomes counter productive, in case of Putin i think we are already on the point of counter productive as he yesterday attacked Kiyv while he knew the Un rep. trying to secure a evacuation for civilians was there.

What gets my goat is when there is a call from the sidelines for the spilling of other peoples blood with no desire to get their own blood spilled.
Cowardice of the lowest kind.
There is not only a call from the sidelines, solders in Ukraine, Poland and most middle eastern countries echo that call just a bit louder, maybe because they know Russia a tiny bit better? Maybe your the one making the wrong call from the sidelines?


Senior Member
This thread's gone quiet, but outside the rhetoric is heating-up.
Still not convinced this is going to end-up without direct NATO involvement in the fairly near future unless Putin is removed by his own.
Putin holds all the cards to keep this rolling along. I can't see him being ground down to the last tank - he will do something to which NATO will have to respond.
He must either be victorious or martyr to NATO aggression.

Exactly. Putin will win. We are sending billions for a lost cause when we could be using that money to help the poor in the U.K. Brexit will keep eating away at us and more food banks will open. Then people will be sending less to the food banks. It’s another poop show disaster like Vietnam. The people are indoctrinated like in China so will not ever rise up. Germany keep buying from Russia and are considering to pay them in their own currency. The sanctions hurt others more than they hurt them. It’s all a circus.
Exactly. Putin will win. We are sending billions for a lost cause when we could be using that money to help the poor in the U.K. Brexit will keep eating away at us and more food banks will open. Then people will be sending less to the food banks. It’s another poop show disaster like Vietnam.
Putin is not really on the winning hand, and that say a lot considering on paper Russia should overpower Ukraine with ease, but they didn't. I shared an indept analysis earlier i suggest you read it you might learn something.

The people are indoctrinated like in China so will not ever rise up.
That's why we see so many train track being destroyed, unexplained fires and so on? oh yeah also russians fighting on the Ukrainian side. The thing is if you bully your own population a part of it will follow blindly a other part of it will grow resistance, that something that is steadily happening and Russia's response is growingly ineffective.

Germany keep buying from Russia and are considering to pay them in their own currency.
Nope they are working with Poland to have Poland supply them instead.

The sanctions hurt others more than they hurt them. It’s all a circus.
While not all sanctions might be evenly effective, they still have there effect in making it harder for Russia to go on as if nothing happens. recently Russia started stealing grain from Ukraine for example. they wouldn't do that if those sanctions where so ineffective as you claim them to be.


Senior Member
Putin is not really on the winning hand, and that say a lot considering on paper Russia should overpower Ukraine with ease, but they didn't. I shared an indept analysis earlier i suggest you read it you might learn something.

That's why we see so many train track being destroyed, unexplained fires and so on? oh yeah also russians fighting on the Ukrainian side. The thing is if you bully your own population a part of it will follow blindly a other part of it will grow resistance, that something that is steadily happening and Russia's response is growingly ineffective.

Nope they are working with Poland to have Poland supply them instead.

While not all sanctions might be evenly effective, they still have there effect in making it harder for Russia to go on as if nothing happens. recently Russia started stealing grain from Ukraine for example. they wouldn't do that if those sanctions where so ineffective as you claim them to be.

Look. Russia will win this conflict. How much money would you like to bet on it? They will take Eastern regions, peace talks will eventually happen & they will keep that gained land.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
Look. Russia will win this conflict. How much money would you like to bet on it? They will take Eastern regions, peace talks will eventually happen & they will keep that gained land.

They may gain and keep the Eastern regions, but they have paid a terrible price to do so, and have been prevented from taking the whole of Ukraine.

Many thousands of their soldiers have been killed or injured.
Their economy has been hammered.
Their standing in the world has been damaged.
NATO has been given a big boost.

Putin may not care, but he will be aware that his invasion hasn't gone as planned, and I hope will need to recalculate.

The people of Ukraine have shown amazing bravery and have paid an appalling price.
Look. Russia will win this conflict. How much money would you like to bet on it? They will take Eastern regions, peace talks will eventually happen & they will keep that gained land.
It has become a war or a situation that Russia even if Ukraine loses can't win. They lost access to many aerospace's, they lost oil revenue, they lost troops and so many more.
According to the Studyofwar's report from this morning there currently stalled because of their losses and reinforcements are not available. So if Putin calls for global mobilisation he might draft in some more cannon fodder but without a drastic change of tactics it's just that cannon fodder.
Ukainians had the same problem 8 years ago but they regrouped/reorganised etc. etc. and you see where they are now, on the winning hand against on paper one of the biggest army's in the world.
Putin is a real piece of work, isn't he?

He is even laughing at us.

I say we should increase sanctions on Russia to the hilt, even if it costs us. What is spending a £billion here and a £billion there on weapons for Zellensky, who is literally fighting to the last Ukrainian for us? After all, how do you put a price on upholding international order and rules of law?

All Zellensky tried to do, was to join Nato - ok he might also have pushed some of his traitorous, Russian speaking countrymen around a bit, but Ukraine is a sovereign country, and Zellensky was democratically elected - so he has every right to do so.

Putin is clearly not very bright. Let me give you a current example - it transpired a few days ago, that the Solomon Islands had the gall to want some sort of "security arrangement" with Red China - these powerless idiots in the middle of nowhere thought they have the same sovereign rights and agency as Ukraine! But as all of us here know, they can't be more wrong:

US won’t rule out military action if China establishes base in Solomon Islands.

Scott Morrison says Chinese military base in Solomon Islands would be 'red line' for Australia, US.

What this example shows, is just like the Solomon Islanders, Putin never got it into his thick skull that the international order and rules of law that we have been trying to drum into his head (and of course Xi's also), is that it is one rule for thee, and one rule for me! The stupid man, like nearly everybody NOT in the "West", i.e. the global south or whatever you call them, somehow thought OUR international order and rules of law serve them too!

Can't they bloody see if that was the case Bush Snr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Biden, Blair etc. etc. including a sizeable number of those who voted, let alone worked or fought for them, would now be in clink?

To uphold such favourable international order and rules of law, surely nearly any price is well worth paying for no matter how long? Especially if it is only those of us who can't afford it have to skip a meal here, and a meal there?

As that rarest of beasts, an American president who waged no new war, said, "We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning!!"


Well-Known Member
What if Putin is like one of those men who can't handle losing a custody battle?
Instead of turning up at the marital farm, shooting his wife and kids, burning down the house then shooting himself Putin can press the button and the whole world can go to f***.

Then we are farked and all this will become just ashes in the wind.
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