God Almighty!
Pope Francis has said the “barking of NATO at the door of Russia” might have led to the invasion of Ukraine and that he didn't know whether other countries should supply Ukraine with more arms.
“In Ukraine, it was other states that created the conflict,” Pope Francis said in the interview, without identifying which states. He likened the war to other conflicts that he said were fomented by international interests: “Syria, Yemen, Iraq, one war after another in Africa.”
“I don’t know how to answer—I am too far away—whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians” with weapons, the pope said. “What’s clear is that in this land arms are being tested… Wars are fought for this: to test the arms we have made.”
As head of an authoritarian, single party state tolerating no dissent even on the existence of his invisible friend, he has the cheek to lecture democratically elected, upstanding leaders of the free world, like our Boris and Truss. Sitting behind Swiss mercenaries armed with lethal spears, he is nothing more than a hypocrite, spewing venom against Lockheed and our BAe. I trust you all agree, that we in the liberal West now have a duty to sanction the Vatican till it goes bust, freeze all wealth from all Catholics (espeically those who are rich AND powerful, like Biden; but not Boris, since he is neither rich, powerful nor practicing, afaict), and silence them as beligerent state sponsored actors. This comprehensive package of actions will uphold our rule based order, and hopoefully cause a regime change at the Holy See.
I think you all would also be gratified to know, that never mind our messaging, censorship has actually been working great even before our latest legislation - neither the ft nor the Guardian, like numerous msm on all sides of the political spectrum, has reported this travesty by the Pope, in case the weak of mind amongst you lot might succumb to such nonsense and be swayed.
For the man himself? Exactly like that RecordAceFromNew "Russian sleeper" in this Parish, the Pope is clearly a Putin apologist, conflating the war with the dastardly image below. I therefore feel sure, at the very least, that @Mr Celine and @BoldonLad would support his burning at stake...
Pope Francis has said the “barking of NATO at the door of Russia” might have led to the invasion of Ukraine and that he didn't know whether other countries should supply Ukraine with more arms.
“In Ukraine, it was other states that created the conflict,” Pope Francis said in the interview, without identifying which states. He likened the war to other conflicts that he said were fomented by international interests: “Syria, Yemen, Iraq, one war after another in Africa.”
“I don’t know how to answer—I am too far away—whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians” with weapons, the pope said. “What’s clear is that in this land arms are being tested… Wars are fought for this: to test the arms we have made.”
As head of an authoritarian, single party state tolerating no dissent even on the existence of his invisible friend, he has the cheek to lecture democratically elected, upstanding leaders of the free world, like our Boris and Truss. Sitting behind Swiss mercenaries armed with lethal spears, he is nothing more than a hypocrite, spewing venom against Lockheed and our BAe. I trust you all agree, that we in the liberal West now have a duty to sanction the Vatican till it goes bust, freeze all wealth from all Catholics (espeically those who are rich AND powerful, like Biden; but not Boris, since he is neither rich, powerful nor practicing, afaict), and silence them as beligerent state sponsored actors. This comprehensive package of actions will uphold our rule based order, and hopoefully cause a regime change at the Holy See.
I think you all would also be gratified to know, that never mind our messaging, censorship has actually been working great even before our latest legislation - neither the ft nor the Guardian, like numerous msm on all sides of the political spectrum, has reported this travesty by the Pope, in case the weak of mind amongst you lot might succumb to such nonsense and be swayed.
For the man himself? Exactly like that RecordAceFromNew "Russian sleeper" in this Parish, the Pope is clearly a Putin apologist, conflating the war with the dastardly image below. I therefore feel sure, at the very least, that @Mr Celine and @BoldonLad would support his burning at stake...
Bear baiting was a popular spectator sport, apparently. I can understand the motivation for the proprietor's, the bear's, and even the spectators' actions. The dogs', which usually die? Not so much.
I am reasonably confident that, in principle, we can all agree the bears are victims, and the dogs too, despite their foolishness.
What is strange, therefore, is that currently there are many fools who think only the dogs are victims, apparently because the bear was neither cornered nor poked. I don't know how, but somehow they must all think they have better insight on the subject than:
George Kennan (father of US strategy for the cold war)
Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State and National Secretary Advisor under Nixon and Ford)
Jack Matlock (US ambassador to USSR under Reagan and Bush Snr)
William Perry (US Defence Secretary under Clinton)
Bob Gates (US Defence Secretary under Bush Jnr and Obama)
Bill Burns (current director of CIA)
Malcolm Fraser (former Australian PM)
Paul Keating (former Australian PM)
etc. etc.
Just to help the fools, it would appear the most quoted opposing thought leader, if one can all it that, is apparently this. Like most if not all "our" mass media, she attributes the war to Putin's (unsavoury) personal characteristics. Funny that, since none of those on the prior list had any idea which Russian leader was going to pull the trigger, they just knew one would...
Which reminds me, how fools are made in the Anglophone West:
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