Who Cares...??

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What is the minister for women and equalities supposed to do?
Absolutely nuts.

Deleted member 49

Changing the bod at the top might make some symbolic difference in some peoples eyes.

But anyone considered senior enough for the top job will have risen through the ranks of an institution that has repeatedly shown a very poor attitude towards women.

They'll have spent decades, if not actively joining in with the misogynistic 'locker room chat' then at least ignoring it, in order to 'fit in'

Anyone steeped in that 'culture' for that long will most likely have become somewhat inured to it all.

Seems to me that reform far more fundamental than just changing the commissioner is needed.
I agree seems its top to bottom,this isn’t just one or two bad apples.There should be no place in policing for men like House.But you've got to start somewhere,so removing him would of been a start.Instead we'll listen to the same old shite of there will be a inquiry....blah blah.
Should of suspended him immediately


I agree seems its top to bottom,this isn’t just one or two bad apples.There should be no place in policing for men like House.But you've got to start somewhere,so removing him would of been a start.Instead we'll listen to the same old shite of there will be a inquiry....blah blah.
Should of suspended him immediately

This is just a hunch but I have my suspicions that a lot of men don't really in truth, much mind there being 'men like House' kicking about the place, or even being in positions of power

It means that in comparison, 'half decent' guys get to seem like exemplars of 'great attitude'

The bar required to jump being so low it's pretty much a 'Hostelry in Hades' 🙄


Senior Member
At the end of this article, a woman leaving the vigil for murdered schoolteacher Sabina Nessa says.

"I feel really angry, I always feel unsafe, I hate that women can't walk the streets I want women not to be blamed"


Even being the assertive, and quite physically strong woman that I am , I do still feel nervous when I'm out and about by myself, in certain places, and if I encounter one or more men.

We can't tell by looking who is ok, and who isn't

Fwiw I just go and do stuff by myself anyway, and I've mainly been fine.

A few 'creeped out' moments , but on the whole I've been ok.

And I'm not letting a few barstewards spoil my solo adventuring fun.

Other women clearly don't feel so 'brave' and let's face it , why should they have to be 'brave' they're not murdering each other .

I regularly hear from women who are just building up their 'bravery' to go and do something by themselves.

We do have the right to go out and do things by ourselves yes??

Or not.?

Was being born a woman just 'bad luck' for us, so we should just 'suck up' this risk of abuse or murder.??

Yes I know, in fact, the risk from people known to us, is in fact statistically higher, another issue to tackle.

We've been suffering this for generations.

If we talk about it?

We're exaggerating, going on, or should just stay home, stay safe.

Which isn't it turns out always all that safe either .

Ok so cue the 'not all men'

Cue the 'men get attacked too, you know?'

However, this toxic masculinity which gives some men, some kind of entitlement to scare, harass, or do far worse to women, and alsother men, if it comes to it, needs to be tackled.

For everyone's sakes..men's too as it happens, it's not great for their MH either.

But it is down to men imo, educating and supporting their sons, and the same for each other.

Incel culture, violent pornography, and other horrible stuff, may either be a symptom, or an extra cause of all this, I don't know.

Im not a man, I can't understand why anyone could, or even why they would want to behave like this towards another human being,

Women shouldn't be scared to live their lives fully.

What can be, or is going to be, done about it??

On a Friday night I may identify as non binary and on a Sunday tea time a women. On Mondays I’m always 100% Alpha hectro male. How dare you just assume someone’s gender?



“Every year over 100 women are killed by men in the UK, in fact of the cases we know, on average a woman is killed by a man every 2.6 days,” she said.

“[The list] should be seen as a roll call of state failure because whilst every man must be held accountable for the violence he chooses to commit, the state could do so much more to end men’s violence against women.”


Senior Member

“Every year over 100 women are killed by men in the UK, in fact of the cases we know, on average a woman is killed by a man every 2.6 days,” she said.

“[The list] should be seen as a roll call of state failure because whilst every man must be held accountable for the violence he chooses to commit, the state could do so much more to end men’s violence against women.”

My mother was beaten badly for years by her first husband. My mother-in-law had the same and her mental scares show the most. They loved their dad to bits though. If my farther ever had it my mum I’d hit him and then ostracise him.



Yes this is familiar..

And yet if you bring up that fear that many women feel when going out and about by themselves..
Whether they 'feel the fear and do it anyway'
(Like what I generally do)

Or else they feel the fear and adapt and restrict their behaviour because of it..
You're exaggerating, making a fuss, over reacting..

You're being 'nasty' to men.

Because 'not all men'.

Pretty much every woman I know has a similar story, or several stories to tell along these lines.

Some of us have stories that we don't even tell* to our girlfriends.
And certainly not to our boyfriends..

And why is this??

Because we don't want to relive it .
We don't want to spread more fear.

We don't want to hear

"Well why didn't you do such and such?"

"What you need to do in that situation is"

Or even the implication that what happened to us is somehow our fault.

Where we were, what we were wearing, our 'mannerisms' whatever, we were pretty much 'asking for it'

On the other thread I was told that a bunch of young men harassing a young woman cyclist was probably them 'just testing the boundaries'

As if women's feelings of safety and confidence, can acceptably be used as a 'test bed' for guys to see how far they can push it..

The young woman just has to bear the brunt of that..
And maybe give up cycling by herself, if she can't work on herself hard enough to get her confidence back..

Because you see, it's down to her to adapt her thought processes..

Oh well- boys will be boys eh,??🙄

Sadly many women do still believe that they or other women are somehow complicit in their own harassment, or abuse..

That's the water we swim in, everyday.

And they've seen how little respect they'll get, or action will be taken even if they do report..

And then some other folks wonder why some women get just a teensy weensy bit twitchy about their right to exclusive safe spaces being taken away.??


Senior Member
Why so close to the elections though? If I was that women I’d not be happy. Civil court and not a criminal court. The money will make her happy I suppose.
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