I agree, it is completely ridiculous but on the same note why is it important for some people that the term 'Man' is replaced with 'person'?
What 'rankles ' those people so much, I wonder.??
Who knows??
Maybe it's a marketing ploy.
Maybe they've discovered they sell more gingerbread persons when they're gender neutral, on account of some small people (the main target audience) not liking men so much -
only a guess - I have no idea - best off asking the supermarket.
We could also ask why are the people who don't like the name change so bothered about it, do you think??
Just generally can't bear any sort of change ..
Or is it all just a distraction from the bigger issues , get them stirred up over little things so they ignore the bigger issues
My interest in the biscuits (apart from eating them obv) would be where was the wheat and other ingredients grown, by whom and how??
Who did the processing, and packaging, what are their conditions like.??
And also how come some people can't afford to buy gingerbread persons for their kids, even as an occasional treat..
Given that we might all agree that a diet too high in refined carbohydrates and over processed fats isn't that great for a growing body..
So many unanswered questions ...
Including who are these 'non sleepy' people, that you have taken against, so much, and why do you have a problem with them ??