Yet more Tory sleaze….

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I know... need more coffee... :blush:
Me too...


Active Member
It’s a parody account. Look at his name.
The real genius is that Michael Fabricant retweeted it

There will be hell toupee when he finds out he has done himself over yet again.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Someone tell the Mail and their thicko readers that the UK had 5 different prime ministers during the Afghan war.
And the UK was actually fighting and our soldiers were actually dying.

Not a Mail reader, and, not a Boris voter, but, considering the outcome of the Afghan "war", I am not sure that the 5 different Prime Ministers is a recommendation?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
A thick electorate.
I would say ignorant and ill-educated rather than thick.

Edit: and now the attachment thing has decided suddenly to work from last night and put in a picture of Liz Truss which the AI has manipulated into looking like my mate Jim. Might as well keep it in.



Active Member
Not a Mail reader, and, not a Boris voter, but, considering the outcome of the Afghan "war", I am not sure that the 5 different Prime Ministers is a recommendation?
What about WW2? Sep 1939-Sep 1945 included Churchill replacing Chamberlain in May 1940 and Attlee replacing Churchill in June 1945.

And the Cold War had loads of changes, partly because suspending democracy was seen as letting dictators win. Why isn't it now?

But The Mail has previous for supporting so-called "strong" leaders beyond reason.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
What about WW2? Sep 1939-Sep 1945 included Churchill replacing Chamberlain in May 1940 and Attlee replacing Churchill in June 1945.

And the Cold War had loads of changes, partly because suspending democracy was seen as letting dictators win. Why isn't it now?

But The Mail has previous for supporting so-called "strong" leaders beyond reason.

Indeed, what about WW2, but, I was replying to a post about Afghanistan "war", plus, WW2 ended in September 1945, so, technically, there were 3 PMs, I would agree, but, 3 is not 5, even in these inflationary times.

Finally, I wasn't passing an opinion on suspending democracy, simply pointing out that the Afghan Conflict was not something I would quote as an example of a successful outcome.
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