Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
I can't make my mind up whether that's Johnson's having a big shiit face, or his cum face.

Both. At the same time.
I can't make my mind up whether that's Johnson's having a big shiit face, or his cum face.

I think it has something of a Les Dawson character about it.



Master of the Inane Comment
Was Truss not educated
You still don't know ...
The point is women can wear as much or as little clothing as they like - for their own reasons - and it shouldn't be anyone elses business.
I listened to a small part of Strachan's podcast out of curiosity (only a small part, I think I could predict what he was likely to say) and the bit I did hear was that for 'the up and coming generation personal autonomy has become an absolute, that no-one has any right to 'speak into' the lives of others'.

Now whilst I think some American evangelicals suffer a bit from Victorian prudery, once the laughter about this has died down, we are still left with the problem of women being molested and abused by men on a large scale. The party line is that what women wear shouldn't have anything to do with this, but I think it is a legitimate question to ask whether sometimes it does.
Clothing only has something to do with males abusing women in that it is trotted out as an excuse, ie 'She was asking for it wearing that skirt'. It's really just a variant of victim blaming - 'He gave me a funny look .... what do you expect being in that part of town ....shouldn't have been out that late..' etc.

Most men (and women) manage to be perfectly safe and responsible around others, male or female, regardless of what the other person is wearing. Surely that's evidence enough that sexual assault is a choice the perpetrator makes.


You still don't know ...

I listened to a small part of Strachan's podcast out of curiosity (only a small part, I think I could predict what he was likely to say) and the bit I did hear was that for 'the up and coming generation personal autonomy has become an absolute, that no-one has any right to 'speak into' the lives of others'.

Now whilst I think some American evangelicals suffer a bit from Victorian prudery, once the laughter about this has died down, we are still left with the problem of women being molested and abused by men on a large scale. The party line is that what women wear shouldn't have anything to do with this, but I think it is a legitimate question to ask whether sometimes it does.
Yes there is a problem with men abusing women.

That's a problem with male behaviour, it's not the fault of women, or what they wear.

It's the fault of entitled males thinking or hoping that they can excuse their bad behaviour

They've been socialised either implicitly or explicitly into believing that they can help themselves, to the bodies of others using the excuse that they can't help themselves, because of...clothes?? ..

And you're trying to suggest that might in any way shape or form be a legitimate take too.??
Thereby propping up the argument.

What gives them this idea that they're thus entitled ?
Social conditioning, pornography, patriachy , and a few other things besides.

Women get abused by men whatever they're wearing , because some men are abusers of women, they'll use any old bollix as an excuse .

Sort that out, educate each other stop blaming it on what what women wear it's a pathetic excuse, long past its sell by date .

Some men seem to think they are innately superior socially and intellectually and morally, and should therefore have power or control over women.

Where on earth do they get this idea, when they can't even control themselves..

The fact that many of the up and coming generation see through this nonsense and believe in their own personal bodily autonomy is a good thing.

Many are far more socially and environmentally engaged, than older people, the fact that they're not having old guys lecturing them on what they should or shouldn't wear is a good thing. .

The responsibility for assault lies with the assaulter 100% - what I'm wearing has nothing to do with it - if you can't control yourself stay away from me and others until you can.

So, I hope I have this right. According to the Gov, if a woman wears a skirt she's a distraction.

If she wears trousers, she's not making an effort.

If she wears a burqa, she's a letterbox.

Somehow I don't think women are the issue here. :headshake:
Oh it's not just 'the gov' that likes to imply that women are asking for it, or are 'the problem'

It's often society in general .

That suggests men should naturally be 'in charge' judge, control others, make the rules and make the excuses (for themselves and their bros)

That a lot of youngsters - and no few of us 'oldiea' see through their hypocritical game - maybe that annoys them somewhat.??
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