This poor woman. Imagine the utter crap she has put up with in her life which has moulded her opinions in such a way that she blames Rayner.
This kind of internalised misogyny is sadly very strong, throughout the world ..
Socially conditioned to it, never been questioned, most likely 'told off' for 'being silly' if it is.. .
Sadly the 'Pick me, I'm not like those other girls' misogynist is a very common phenomenon.
There's even a couple veering in that direction on our 'mother' thread..
'Must keep in with the lads, at all costs'
"Oh I'm not one of those annoying feminists".
Hear it all too frequently, plays right into the hands of the misogynist men.
Yes I feel sorry for 'that poor woman' but at the same time good on that guy for telling it like it is.
More actual allies like this please..