Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
I put this in the wrong thread… apologies


Is there anyway to stop him dishing out a list of dodgy honours as he leaves.
I presume the queen has ultimate sign off.
There's this, which is over 40k signatures already.
+1 for all the good it will do.


Senior Member
Tobias Elwood abstained and have been stripped of the whip.
He can’t vote in the leadership race now.
He was in Moldova at the time.
Petty or what.

Worse than that - he was in Moldova for a meeting with the President (i.e. government business) and couldn;t get a flight back due to the problems caused by the war and the heatwave

not even as if it was deliberate of negligent!!


Worse than that - he was in Moldova for a meeting with the President (i.e. government business) and couldn;t get a flight back due to the problems caused by the war and the heatwave

not even as if it was deliberate of negligent!!

Remind me. Where was Johnson during the HS2 vote.
Which he swore blind he would vote against.
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