Inevitable lol ..You do know that Corbyn gained 3.5m votes in 2017 with a manifesto that accepted the referendum result.Also most Labour MPs represented leave-voting seats.Im sure you also know that Labour lost 52 Leave-voting seats.
I get why most need to play the blame game,but not thinking the last election was basically another Brexit vote I find delusional.
And that 2017 near-miss always makes me reflect on the fact he, unlike his wood-and-Brylcreem successor, would almost certainly have been open to an arrangement with other left-leaning parties to keep the Tories out of power. Shame the then-head of Labour's North Britain Branch Office thought it was such a great idea to exhort Labour voters in Scotland to vote Tory in SNP/Conservative marginals, to "keep the Nationalists out", and in doing so help reduce the SNP from 54 to 35 seats. Look at what we might have won, eh?
Bet that's still a cause of occasional tension in the Dugdale/Gilruth household.
you are probably correct, but, comments like the bolded bit below may just be as much a problem as the supposed influence of the media.
Oh! It was me all along! Me and my haplessly ornate and verbose circumlocutions!
Can't take me anywhere, can you?