My criticism of him have not been of his politics but his incompetence and lack of ability as a leader, and the fact that, however unfair, he was never going to be someone to get the confidence of the electorate as a whole. I still stand by those views after seeing him as leader for four years. Sadly he was the Michael Foot of the Labour Party but without the intellect.
In an ideal world perhaps people would have seen through the attacks on him but this is not an ideal world and when voting for a potential government pragmatism takes over, in my case at least but possibly not yours. As leader he never had a successful election campaign, whether GE, local elections or EU elections. His greatest electoral success came when he lost closely to the almost equally disastrous Theresa May, and his supporters still cling to that Marlon Brando "I could have been a contender" moment as a sign of his ability, forgetting his 32 years of anonymity as a backbencher.
Meanwhile the Tories are still in power, with a huge majority.........just.