Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Über Member
Sunak was rapidly distancing himself from Johnson at his press conference. I think the vultures are circling...
Apparently, there are a number of Tories who believe that they're within single figures of the number needed to trigger a vote of confidence. Let's call them the naughty forty.


Well-Known Member
It was defended by an MP on the radio saying that this is what Johnson promised to do, when he said he would reorganise No 10.

So..... Johnson's strategy for re-organisation is to get people resigning by being a daffodil?

Sounds like some bosses I have had in the past.


They're either all shoot advisor's, or he doesn't listen to them. I suspect both are true.
Therefore, he doesn't need advisors....
Tory MPs are spinning the line that they are voluntarily resigning to let Boris "clean up" as he promised and that it is all under control...


Well-Known Member
There's only so much excitement I can take on a Thursday afternoon....
Where was all the outrage at the slurs and lies thrown at Corbyn ?
Seems like it's only when it suits.

Well he was a commie, traitor, anti semitic , terrorist who doesn't pick up his dogs poo .....

What saddens me is there is still plenty of people who repeat all that BS despite knowing how it was all lies .
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