Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Legendary Member
Bet none of these are in the thousands or even hundreds that ordinary citizens got, it’ll be mates’ rates from the Met at £50 a go.
Nope, but we now have conclusive evidence that Boris and Rishi broke the law in office and lied to parliament.
Lets hope that all of those MPs that were going to write letters to the 1922 committee based on the outcome of the Sue Gray and Met Police Investigation now follow through.

Any cabinet member with a fine should be standing down.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
@Craig the cyclist is this criminal lol...
Well, you know the answer to that don't you?


Über Member
The available quotes to show the lying and hypocrisy are abundant but I’ll just pick two.
The following statements were made in the House of Commons in just the last few months:

“There was no party. No Covid rules were broken and, Mr Speaker, it goes without saying that if those rules were broken, then there will be disciplinary action for all those involved.” Boris Johnson

“No, I did not attend any parties.” Rishi Sunak

The Conservative Party is rotten from the head, those cabinet members fined must resign and the threatened disciplinary action must follow for every other person involved.

Every Tory MP and supporter with an ounce of integrity (look, there might be one or two) will denounce this PM for the charlatan that he is and demand his resignation. I fully expect the shitebag majority, however, to hide behind the pending outcome of the Sue Gray report just long enough to see which way the wind is blowing. It’s the Tory way.

Deleted member 49

The available quotes to show the lying and hypocrisy are abundant but I’ll just pick two.
The following statements were made in the House of Commons in just the last few months:

“There was no party. No Covid rules were broken and, Mr Speaker, it goes without saying that if those rules were broken, then there will be disciplinary action for all those involved.” Boris Johnson

“No, I did not attend any parties.” Rishi Sunak

The Conservative Party is rotten from the head, those cabinet members fined must resign and the threatened disciplinary action must follow for every other person involved.

Every Tory MP and supporter with an ounce of integrity (look, there might be one or two) will denounce this PM for the charlatan that he is and demand his resignation. I fully expect the shitebag majority, however, to hide behind the pending outcome of the Sue Gray report just long enough to see which way the wind is blowing. It’s the Tory way.
I don't think it's anywhere near the end of it.Theres more to come.



Legendary Member

Nice summary on the Now Show at about 2mins 50 secs:


Active Member
I am fairly certain it would be the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020/350)
The offence would be "breaching the Health Protection Regulations in force at the time", just to keep it neat and specific for Craig. It looks like the CPS doesn't distinguish in the name of the offence between the various Regulations issued under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

"the first serving prime minister of the UK to be sanctioned for breaking the law" - world-beating!


Legendary Member
I am fairly certain it would be the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020/350)

@Craig the cyclist aka Mr Pedant is trying to illustrate that that Boris et al have not been charged with a criminal offence but issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for breaking the law. They will only be charged with a criminal offence should they refuse to pay at which point the CPS will step in, as failure to pay is a criminal offence.

An FPN does not carry a criminal conviction therefore it is not a criminal offence that they have been charged with. They have, nevertheless, broken the law but not to the letter of the law been charged with a criminal offence.

That said they still committed a crime as they broke the law. This makes it quite correct to refer to them as criminals. You don't have to be convicted of a criminal offence to be a criminal.


Über Member
@Craig the cyclist aka Mr Pedant is trying to illustrate that that Boris et al have not been charged with a criminal offence but issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for breaking the law. They will only be charged with a criminal offence should they refuse to pay at which point the CPS will step in, as failure to pay is a criminal offence.

An FPN does not carry a criminal conviction therefore it is not a criminal offence that they have been charged with. They have, nevertheless, broken the law but not to the letter of the law, criminals. Yet.

Maybe it’s different in England but in Scotland you are cautioned & charged with the offence at the time of issue of the FPN.
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