It's not just Tories though. There's plenty of examples of Labour men caught with child porn etc., eg Eric Joyce. I don't think it's a party political issue. It's entitled men who think they can do what they like and think the law shouldn't apply when they are caught.
Yes but it's not all men, is it, and we would do well to know the signs, trust our 'instincts'..
Oh hang on, we are also educated to ignore, laugh off, gaslight ourselves, or otherwise brush off 'the signs' or elsewise, we're the ones with the problem, and should just learn to 'be nice'.
Aaaand right now we're getting 'nice' men offering to take in vulnerable refugee women via Facebook , and elsewhere.
But of course they won't be 'forced' to take up any offers of physical relationships ...
All just a bit of a larf right ?