Nope its not a strawman - you countered that the police hadn't alienated everyone from those groups, as if therefore it wasn't really significant that they'd alienated so many of them.
That's something you've thought up all by yourself.
Actually as it happens it is about me - and all the other mes who happen to be women who happen not to trust the police around us, particularly if we are in a state of vulnerability, and that mistrust absolutely comes about because of the polices actions.
The further you get away from what I posted, the further you get away ftom understanding what I posted
The police may not be a 'hivemind' but they certainly have a 'culture' - their attitude to women particularly vulnerable women has a long and not brilliant history when it comes to womankind - sadly it reflects the attitude of the rest of society of course - this is not 'new' stuff.
Yes. The police are 'us'. Good. You've finally got it.