Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
- Location
- South Tyneside
And Foxhunting with real foxes... and rickets....
ahh! the good old days, we could bring back polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever, I see hooping cough is already making a comeback, who needs these new fangled diseases like Covid?
no problem with junk food then, a slice of white bread, with jam on it, and, maybe a sprinkle of sugar, if the da had a half-shift in
no tablets and mobile phones, children used their imagination, home made bows and arrows, bogies from an old set of pram wheels (provided you didn't have to use the pram to go coal picking on the pit-heap), cricket tournaments with an old tennis ball and wickets chalked on the wall, bays (educational, you had to count to 9) ........ I will have to go and have a lie down, I am coming on all nostalgic.
Times were great, back then.