General Election 2024....

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Legendary Member

Sighs and shrugs, There's no fix for stupid.
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There must be billions to harvest. Labour are going to fix Britain with no increase in Income Tax or National Insurance (together the most significant tax source). It is an Election, they will promise anything. Those with no chance of possibly having to deliver (ie Lib Dems etc) will promise even more. Needless to say, little if anything will actually change, despite the slogan.

They've found Theresa May's magic money tree then. ^_^


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The easiest solution is to keep the tax free allowance up with the basic pension.

I’m unsure what my parents do for tax. They both have incomes that put them well into the clutches of income tax.
Do they they pay a lump sum every April? I’ve never heard OAPs moaning about it, or being caught short for the tax man.

Being an OAPs who pays tax, similar to your parents, myself and Mrs Boldonlad are treated slightly differently:

Mrs B was only ever an employee in her working life, HMRC deduct tax via PAYE from her “other” Pension.

I was formerly self employed, and submitted a self assessment form. This has continued into the (so far) 17 years of retirement. HMRC deduct tax from my “other” pensions via PAYE and I pay or receive any necessary adjustment annually. It is usually a trivial amount.

I am sure that if I requested it of HMRC I could cease the form filling, but, Given HMRC competence(?) I prefer the self assessment route, but, I can understand that a significant number of my fellow OAPs who are “paperwork averse” may find it onerous.

The big get out for HMRC is that the legal liability for paying the correct tax lies with the taxpayer, not HMRC.

Is OAP still an acceptable term these days, incidentally?
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Brexit was based on lies and racism. Hope didn't enter the equation at any point.

That is utterly untrue.

Brexit was about many things, not just racism, but the essence of Brexit was the promise of better things. Johnson was famed for his 'boosterism', which is essentially talking things up.


Über Member
Ww don't need 'hope', we need reality. Brexit was based on hope, remember. Look where that got us. Look where Corbyn got us. Corbyn can get in the bin.

Wes on the radio now offering hope. More privatised involvement in the NHS.
Oh, and more scanners. No mention of extra staff, just evening and weekend working.

Don't give the matches back to the arsonists says Wes.
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Über Member
Wes apparently can't bring himself to comment on Diane Abbott not being allowed to run.
Apparently not frightening the horses includes being afraid to defend the decisions they have made.
I don't suppose they'll miss my vote.


Reading around the chip
Ww don't need 'hope', we need reality

Jeez, Multz. One of those moments when it suddenly becomes clear why someone is doing what they are doing, like when Thatcher said there's no such thing as society. Current reality is scrolling in the small hours through pictures of babies burnt alive in tents by Starmer's mates. Are you seriously exhorting us to believe that this and other contemporary realities, like the collapse of the entire UK public realm, are eternal laws of nature and not precisely the consequence of the actions of imperialist and neoliberal governments of one stripe or another over four decades and more?


Wes apparently can't bring himself to comment on Diane Abbott not being allowed to run.
Apparently not frightening the horses includes being afraid to defend the decisions they have made.
I don't suppose they'll miss my vote.

Good on Wes. There is no need to comment on the Abbott case despite the news teams trying to whip up a commotion over it. He is doing what he should be doing.


Reading around the chip
Good on Wes. There is no need to comment on the Abbott case despite the news teams trying to whip up a commotion over it. He is doing what he should be doing.

Quite right. It's not as if the man you want to put in charge of arguably our most important public service has an obvious case to answer about democracy, transparency, racism, misogyny and factional and workplace bullying. Or as if she's a human being or anything. Mind you, if I were a key beneficiary of the poisonous clique that have been conspiring to throw Abbott to the wolves, I'd probably want to keep schtum as well.


Jeez, Multz. One of those moments when it suddenly becomes clear why someone is doing what they are doing, like when Thatcher said there's no such thing as society. Current reality is scrolling in the small hours through pictures of babies burnt alive in tents by Starmer's mates.

Ah yes, those 'mates' whose potential indictment for war crimes his party has supported. Those mates.

You seem to want to make the UK domestic election all about a foreign country. What is really weird about this is that the people you are blaming aren't even in power.

Are you seriously exhorting us to believe that this and other contemporary realities, like the collapse of the entire UK public realm, are eternal laws of nature

No, that's your straw man you are busy building.

and not precisely the consequence of the actions of imperialist and neoliberal governments of one stripe or another over four decades and more?

The situation within the UK is the consequence of a declining wealth since 1945, various self-immolations like Brexit, economic decisions which have, intended or not, led to growing wealth inequality, and a truly venal kleptocratic government for 14 years.

There's no point pretending à la Corbyn that there are easy answers at zero cost. That ship has sailed.

We live in a market economy. People's salaries and pensions are dependent on businesses doing well, and by extension so are tax receipts. We don't live in a socialist planned economy, so stop pretending that we do.
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