Dear Sir,
I was deprived of proper Television as a child and only had 2 channels
Who do I sue???
Yours sincerely
A child of the 60s
Also, funfact, less than a third of UK houses had central heating in 1970.
Dear Sir,
I was deprived of proper Television as a child and only had 2 channels
Who do I sue???
Yours sincerely
A child of the 60s
I was lucky, I had 3 channels and central heating but had to watch Battlestar Galactica at my mates house in black and white...Likewise.
Also, funfact, less than a third of UK houses had central heating in 1970.
We didn’t have a video player until 1990.
And the second TV in the kitchen didn’t even have push buttons to change the channel but it had a twist knob to tune the channels.
I've seen it all now
Oh the humanity - oh and Sky TV wasn't even launched until he was 4.
Dear Sir,
I was deprived of proper Television as a child and only had 2 channels
Who do I sue???
Yours sincerely
A child of the 60s
You had a pit heap?coal picking on the pit heap?
You had a pit heap?
You had a pit heap?
This could just as well go in the Tory sleaze thread but it is ''insider trading'' on the election date.
They just can't help themselves. Or do I mean they just can't stop helping themselves?
This could just as well go in the Tory sleaze thread but it is ''insider trading'' on the election date.
They just can't help themselves. Or do I mean they just can't stop helping themselves?