Worse was setting it correctly then finding that the program started early...
I seem to remember that we had Videoplus
where you keyed in a mysterious code from the newspaper and that translated to a date and time and the machine recorded it
if the show was a live event then it managed to realise and extend it to record the whole event and start late if the previous event went over
if only we had that level of technology now so that maybe a stage of the Crit of Dauph. went over the expected time - or some useless tennis stuff overran
then how much better off we would be
but then technology can;t be expeted to keep up with the past
anyway - if only there was a way of you box at home to know that the previous thing had overunr - maybe one could call it an Internet
or something
anyway - as "some" politicians are often saying - things were so much better back in the old days