General Election 2024....

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Elder Goth


Starmer's own vote went from 36k to 18k apparently. Majority down from 23k to 11k.
It's a landslide on paper but more and more it looks like a disillusioned electorate. All parties are going to have to work hard to win long term support.

Two-thirds of the seats with one-third of the votes.

A vote Against the Conservatives not a vote For Labour.
Yes, very much. Hopefully it will remind Labour they can't take this win for granted. People wanted a change. If he doesn't deliver, especially on the NHS I think, the public will want another one. I see new Chancellor Rachel Reeves has already said 'There's not a huge amount of money'. Managing expectations early on lol.

John Curtice analysis. 'Indeed, the party's share of the vote is the lowest won by a post-war single party government'.
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Well-Known Member
.... If he doesn't deliver, especially on the NHS ....

Is it actually possible to deliver on the NHS? - no matter what any politician does, there will always be those wanting more from the NHS

I'm not sure it is possible to "deliver" on the NHS to satisfy the public. It is a task that will never be completed, no matter who the politician in power is
Is it actually possible to deliver on the NHS? - no matter what any politician does, there will always be those wanting more from the NHS

I'm not sure it is possible to "deliver" on the NHS to satisfy the public. It is a task that will never be completed, no matter who the politician in power is

I think there's some truth in that unfortunately. Higher population, aging population, new treatments coming through that are great but usually expensive, rising drugs costs. My GP friend says you can't just quickly train more UK doctors because there isn't the capacity in med schools or in training placements in hospitals, so there'll be no short term fixes. We'll have to wait for some concrete plans from Labour.
Euthanasia - set a max age and bring it down until the books balance. All that ageing population stuff solved. Extra 5 years for cyclists and runners.
Should I stand at the next election?

The Logan's Run policy? Canada are trying it out. Alternatively you could go the opposite way. Go full Spartan and cull the burdensome young ones. I await your full manifesto with interest.


Is it actually possible to deliver on the NHS? - no matter what any politician does, there will always be those wanting more from the NHS

I'm not sure it is possible to "deliver" on the NHS to satisfy the public. It is a task that will never be completed, no matter who the politician in power is
That's why politicians love to 'reform' the NHS. Nothing ever stays the same long enough to allow anyone to judge what worked and what didn't, and they can continue to blame their predecessors for messing it up before them.


Über Member
Is it actually possible to deliver on the NHS? - no matter what any politician does, there will always be those wanting more from the NHS

I'm not sure it is possible to "deliver" on the NHS to satisfy the public. It is a task that will never be completed, no matter who the politician in power is

Perfect healthcare will always be an unattainable ideal. What can be delivered is a better place in the rankings. And we have a lot of ground to catch up on.
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