Laurence Fox vs Mukhtar

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A grand, for two weeks camping?

Have you seen the price of campsites recently.
You can pay £75 a night for a big tent with 4 people and electric hook up on some of the big sites


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Have you seen the price of campsites recently.
You can pay £75 a night for a big tent with 4 people and electric hook up on some of the big sites


Never paid anything approaching that.

A little trip across to Europe will get plenty of sites for 25Euro/night, and, there is even a ferry from Newcastle, I am sure Andy wouldn't wish to do anything so climate damaging as Air Travel.
It's been a while since I've done UK camping but I've always found European camp sites better value and with better facilities. Could be that good weather makes everywhere look nicer though. I'd be more inclined to book a £40 Premier Inn than do UK camping these days.


I fancy a holiday. Be cheaper than Disneyland too. Say, a grand so I can go camping for 2 weeks?

Any takers, or givers I should say.

You've got to say something 'controversial' or just generally support someone else who was being nasty .

Then get yourself 'cancelled' by the same organisation that originally employed you to supposedly uphold truth and freeze peach.

And then paint yourself as a 'victim' of the 'woke mob' so that any number of gullible idiots will send you a tenner towards your abroadland holibobs.

Ofc You can camp for free in Norway /Sweden

Simple 😇

Have a nice trip.. Weathers looking ok for it 👍🏼 🏕️

If you do decide to stay UK I know a nice farmer in Devon who has wild and woolly wooded campsite at the top of the hill.
Pretty cool off-road cycling in the area, and a good deal cheaper than E 25 a night.

But... he's an ordained Deacon in the Free Church of England. Are you telling me that such a Christian organisation not only fails to give a salary to their ordained ministers but also denies them food or shelter? What on earth does he need the cash for?

It's terrible isn't it ??
Whatever happened to housing the homeless, and feeding the hungry.
I thought charity started at home??🤔


Master of the Inane Comment
I assume any behaviour can be excused if the person is the right kind of Christian.
Forgiven yes, excused no.
Exposing hypocrisy is everyone's business, especially when it involves religious figures.
Some of the greatest condemnation in the NT is directed at the religious hypocrite in general and leaders in particular. This can, however, be a two-edged sword ...

Are not climate activists (see the thread) who swan off to Bali for a holiday using a vast amount of aviation fuel not hypocrites from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet? Actively contributing to the very problem they claim to want to solve.

Or the 'trained Marxist' founders of BLM who presumably believe property is theft hypocrites for investing in millions of dollars worth of... property?
he's an ordained Deacon in the Free Church of England. Are you telling me that such a Christian organisation not only fails to give a salary ...
The C of E is only 15% of the world-wide Anglican communion. The Free Church of England is affiliated with the remaining 85%, who recently voted to oust the Archbishop of Canterbury as first amongst equals, and not to fellowship with the C of E until it repents of its compromise on blessing same-sex couples. The Free C of E is small but growing without much in the way of finance, and the place ministers in England go who likewise have consciences that won't let them stay any longer in the mother Church but want to remain Anglican.
If fake ministers can fleece people, can't we all?
Do you think we ought to start a collection for Paley so he gets his 10 quid back ...
that any number of gullible idiots will send you a tenner towards your abroadland holibobs.
No-one knows yet whether Robinson has spent a single penny of the donations given him on his hols. Having received £8000 compensation from RAD on 3rd October or thereabouts I would have thought he shouldn't have needed to.

Until this becomes clear he is being subject to slanderous accusations rather than fair criticism.
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Ian H

Legendary Member
I assume any behaviour can be excused if the person is the right kind of Christian.

Any Christian? There's a huge variety out there.

Forgiven yes, excused no.
Sense of humour?

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
Forgiven yes, excused no.

Some of the greatest condemnation in the NT is directed at the religious hypocrite in general and leaders in particular. This can, however, be a two-edged sword ...

Are not climate activists (see the thread) who swan off to Bali for a holiday using a vast amount of aviation fuel not hypocrites from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet? Actively contributing to the very problem they claim to want to solve.

Or the 'trained Marxist' founders of BLM who presumably believe property is theft hypocrites for investing in millions of dollars worth of... property?
To be fair 'thou shalt not commit whataboutery' is not one of the commandments.

But the actions of climate or marxist hypocrites do not excuse those of religious ones.
It does explain that he's on a paid speaking tour in Florida, hence the Disney trip. I think his departure is less theological and more likely because his current church won't or can't offer him any financial support at the moment, which is fair enough seeing as his interests currently lie in political commentary rather than ministry. Can't imagine it will be any different if he qualifies for ordination in another church. They're not obliged to provide a stipend. Mavericks and characters are tiresome though, aren't they? They have a very limited shelf life and I wish there were fewer of them in the media and in politics.
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