Laurence Fox vs Mukhtar

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Ok, if you say so. It is interesting how you manage to crowbar your pet peeve into discussions at the drop of a hat.
I'd never realised it was a pet peeve. I don't recall opining on it previously.
Some facets of the Church I quite like. I enjoy Churches and Cathedrals, and like singing hymns and the choir stuff. It's the blatant bollocks and hypocrisy that I have a problem with. The Vicar asking people to donate generously whilst living in a house worth 3 million pounds etc.


Über Member
The Vicar asking people to donate generously whilst living in a house worth 3 million pounds etc.

Ahem, ahem, wasn't there something on NACA fairly recently where the argument was along the lines of high value houses not meaning the occupant was wealthy. Can't remember who was putting that forward.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Why is it risible? It was set up to be a religion.

Of course there are differences of opinion as to whether it is a cult or religion etc. It was founded by one man - it has that in common with Mormonism, Islam and Christianity. It requires belief in things that cannot be proven and for which there is no evidence. See also Islam, Christianity, Mormonism etc. It involves controlling the behaviour and lifestyle of a large group of people. See also Islam, Christianity, Mormonism etc. It's most senior members live in luxury. See also Islam, Christianity, Mormonism etc.


qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Or a rabbit.



Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
All together now..

"Buddhism, is a philosophy not a religion"

You can have a religious belief, and be a Buddhist.

But you don't have to have a religious belief to follow Buddhist philosophy, and practices. 🙏🏼🌈💚

Couldn't that be said of most, if not all religions, ie, you don't have to be a Christian to follow a "Christian" way of life*, similarly, you don't have to be a Muslim to follow a "Muslim" way of life*, if you so wish. To mention just two of the worlds many religions.

*Whatever those may be.

the snail

Active Member
Why is it risible? It was set up to be a religion.

It was set up to make money, specifically to enrich L Ron Hoover, he pretty much said that explicitly.
'Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket'.

Eric Hoffer

True of so many things.


Couldn't that be said of most, if not all religions, ie, you don't have to be a Christian to follow a "Christian" way of life*, similarly, you don't have to be a Muslim to follow a "Muslim" way of life*, if you so wish. To mention just two of the worlds many religions.

*Whatever those may be.
Nope, to be 'properly religious' you have to have faith in unseeable unprovable entities such as God.

In the case of Christianity, you should believe Jesus was the 'actual' son of God.

And you should believe in the existence of such a things as a soul or spirit that is in some way separate to the human body.

Buddhists don't 'have' to believe in any of that supernatural stuff.
(Although believing those things doesn't preclude you from being a Buddhist)

You can follow the philosophy / teachings / principals of Buddha without any 'religious' or supernatural belief, and still be A Buddhist.

If you decide you like the general morality of a religion such as Christianity, and try to follow that, but don't actually have faith or believe any of the supernatural entities then you're taking moral advice or guidance from say Christianity - but no, you're not actually Christian* if you don't pursue the faith / belief bit.

*Even if it turns out you're actually a *nicer* person than those who claim Christianity for themselves, but who themselves turn out to be rather unpleasant.




And you should believe in the existence of such a things as a soul or spirit that is in some way separate to the human body.

Buddhists don't 'have' to believe in any of that supernatural stuff.

But they're pretty into the re-incarnation thing.


But they're pretty into the re-incarnation thing.

Some are, but not all, by any means, it is not a prerequisite, or central tenet of the philosophy.

Many would say that the concept of 'not self' tends away from a belief in reincarnation🤔

I couldn't possibly say with any great confidence as I'm Not-a-Buddhist.

And I haven't got a telly neither.
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