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Could be an interesting threadneuroses inherited from stone age goat herders
Could be an interesting threadneuroses inherited from stone age goat herders
Could be an interesting thread
Your list omits the promotion of incest which, if Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, was inevitable.
I've kept goats..
They can be tricksy.
But I'd describe them as impish, rather than full on 'works of the devil'
They're just square sheep with an attitude.
Your list omits the promotion of incest which, if Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, was inevitable.
No, Because the magnitude of the attack on marriage is blown way out of proportion.
Dr Clifford Hill, sociologist and pastor for 60 years in the east end of London wrote a book The Reshaping of Modern Britain. In this he alludes to a 1972 Gay Liberation Movement pamphlet still in his possession setting out the goal of dismantling traditional heterosexual marriage. The GLC in the 80's was also well into wanting the destruction of heteronormativity.'since gay liberation days'???
Surely marriage has been 'under attack' due to it's role of keeping women under control in a patriarchal society?
Not directly related to 'gay liberation'.
Hell is being 'cancelled' for the whole of eternity. Excluded from a new heavens and a new earth. Where justice is applied to what I have done and thought, not to what they did - slave traders from 250 years ago or some shadowy entity known as the patriarchy.You say you didn't bring up hell - but without something like it - how does your system of 'last judgement' work?
If you don't say "Sorry daddy you're right, being born gay was very naughty (although you made me that way) I should really have lived a sexless life of shame" What's the terrible consequences of not repenting??
Then you obviously have no insight into the difficulties of translating even modern, living languages, let alone ancient dead ones.
The OT is a sophisticated law code. The laws of Hammurabi are reasonably contempory with it (a bit earlier), and no-one seems to credit this to being written by goat herders. Moses was instructed in the civilisation of the Egyptians.Or understanding that neuroses inherited from stone age goat herders may not have much place nowadays.
Can't atheists and agnostics do better than this? To take just one from your list, Abraham was indeed instructed by God to sacrifice his son and many an atheist waxes lyrical and with great outrage against this, but having not read the text don't seem to realise it never happened!Seems to fit in here...
The population of the world to date has been increasing. If you reverse this by going back in time, then using the estimates of population size in history you end up with one man and one woman about 6000 years ago. Make of that what you will.Your list omits the promotion of incest which, if Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, was inevitable.
If you reverse this by going back in time, then using the estimates of population size in history you end up with one man and one woman about 6000 years ago. Make of that what you will.![]()
Dr Clifford Hill, sociologist and pastor for 60 years in the east end of London wrote a book The Reshaping of Modern Britain. In this he alludes to a 1972 Gay Liberation Movement pamphlet still in his possession setting out the goal of dismantling traditional heterosexual marriage. The GLC in the 80's was also well into wanting the destruction of heteronormativity.
Hill did a lot of research into the effects of family breakdown resulting from this, and its connection with increasing lawlessness and violence amongst the young, and got the agreement of Jack Straw, the then Home Secretary, to include support of the traditional family in a govt bill. This never happened, and Hill is sure this was due to lobbying by the gay community.
Hell is being 'cancelled' for the whole of eternity. Excluded from a new heavens and a new earth. Where justice is applied to what I have done and thought, not to what they did - slave traders from 250 years ago or some shadowy entity known as the patriarchy.
It may be that a few seem to have had same-sex attraction for as long as they can remember, but this does not compel them to act on these impulses. I might add God never created anyone that way, it is a sign of a fallen world and high-handed rebellion. The whole thing is an absurd attack on Christianity by atheists. I reckon I could do better than that ... !
That is why the believers in the C of E at present simply cannot go along with the bishops manipulating 'gay blessings' onto the agenda.
I have a modern languages degree in German, a post-graduate diploma in the techniques of translation for German and Dutch. Add to that 20 years or so of working as a translator. May not make me infallible, but it does give me the right to express an opinion ...
I probably learnt more about the philosphy of translation from reading around the translation issues of the bible than from the above courses, however.
My son-in-law, who is extremely intelligent, can read the OT in Hebrew, the NT in Greek, old Babylonian and Latin. Useful on discussing the translation issues of Leviticus and the Greek NT.
The OT is a sophisticated law code. The laws of Hammurabi are reasonably contempory with it (a bit earlier), and no-one seems to credit this to being written by goat herders. Moses was instructed in the civilisation of the Egyptians.
Can't atheists and agnostics do better than this? To take just one from your list, Abraham was indeed instructed by God to sacrifice his son and many an atheist waxes lyrical and with great outrage against this, but having not read the text don't seem to realise it never happened!
The population of the world to date has been increasing. If you reverse this by going back in time, then using the estimates of population size in history you end up with one man and one woman about 6000 years ago. Make of that what you will.![]()