Laurence Fox vs Mukhtar

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Elder Goth

(I know it wasn't Mukhtar, but still).
Presumably he was given the chance to delete and apologise but chose not to. Shows how ill advised it is to get yourself embroiled in lawfare over name calling on social media. There's no winners.
Yes, no doubt. I don't know if the complainants were crowd funded and didn't have to risk their own funds, but it shouldn't be underestimated the awful emotional stress protracted cases like this cause. If he appeals it will drag on for another 6 months or a year.
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Do you see what he did there? Do you? DO YOU?

He found himself in a very deep hole and decided that the quickest way to get out would be to keep digging till he reaches the other side of the earth?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I don’t understand what point he thinks he’s making.

He thinks that because he got called a name then he can call other people one. It's the same point he was making with the paedophile comments except now he thinks that the judge's ruling supports it.
He's suggesting that if it wasn't defamatory for the complainants to call him a racist, it can't be defamatory for him to call their lawyer a racist.

Thing is, it's a very specific thing to call someone a pedophile, you either are or you aren't, whereas calling someone a racist could be open to interpretation. I would have thought Fox's lawyers might have explained that to him but he obviously decided to press on regardless.

Obviously Nicola Thorp will have more sense than to waste time and effort suing him for calling her a racist, but what a huge waste of time, court space, and money, these cases are though. Just vanity endeavours because somebody wants to be Billy big bollocks on Twitter.


Reading around the chip
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