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Deleted member 159

It's not the politics I object to .

It's positing this piece of news as supposedly 'good'

Tell us how you're 'burdened' with 'illegal immigrants'

Or have you just been lapping up tabloid culture war bollix again.

You, me the general population are funding, better served if its spent on UK population

How much do we spend on illegal immigrants UK?

The current broken asylum system costs the UK around £3 billion a year and rising and around £6 million a day on hotel bills. Doing nothing is not a cost-free option as the continued arrival of tens of thousands of illegal migrants each year places new burdens on central and local government and other local services.


You, me the general population are funding, better served if its spent on UK population

How much do we spend on illegal immigrants UK?

The current broken asylum system costs the UK around £3 billion a year and rising and around £6 million a day on hotel bills. Doing nothing is not a cost-free option as the continued arrival of tens of thousands of illegal migrants each year places new burdens on central and local government and other local services.

Sort out the (deliberately) broken asylum system then FFS, instead of just being nasty to desperate people.

The backlog of people waiting in hostels is created by this government dragging its feet.
Those people want to work and contribute, just like immigrants* have here for all time.

Now we're painting over murals that might give frightened kids some scintilla of hope that they could be in a humane country - how low have 'we' sunk.??
The thought of it literally makes me feel sick .

Where are the safe and legal processes for people to claim asylum here??
You cant claim asylum here until you're here, that's how it works.

We are obliged to take refugees under an agreement we signed up to when we were a civilised* country, but there are almost zero opportunities to claim asylum here now.
And even those who somehow manage to get here are being demonised, instead of helped to establish themselves.

There should have been a bill to set up safe legal routes, instead we get this, I'm routinely ashamed to be a UK citizen right now, with this so called 'government' in charge it's pitiful.

And people like you will lap up the idea that kids in this country are going hungry, because of a few thousand asylum seekers - well I guess that's what happens when you get your 'education' from right wing, nasty party supporting press.

*When I was hiking in Scotland earlier this year I was lucky enough to walk and camp for the night with a woman who was celebrating forty years since she came to this country as a welcomed refugee as a twenty year old.
Back then we had a humane, decent attitude to asylum seekers.
We saw the humanity in people, we helped them become established, and almost invariably they gave back, multiple times over.
That lady certainly did .
But now??

Now this.🙄
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Deleted member 159

There were 45,000 people detected arriving by small boats in the year ending March 2023. Official figures.

I'll have to check that number is total or just this year. Astonishing either way

It is constantly rising

Hardly a few thousand.

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
The current broken asylum system costs the UK around £3 billion a year and rising and around £6 million a day on hotel bills. Doing nothing is not a cost-free option as the continued arrival of tens of thousands of illegal migrants each year places new burdens on central and local government and other local services.

This is what you and the other leavers voted for.

We can't just send them back to the EU country they came from anymore.

Deleted member 159

This is what you and the other leavers voted for.

We can't just send them back to the EU country they came from anymore.

It never really happened in any meaningful way when the UK was in the EU.

Deleted member 159

Who broke it? I’ll tell you, the Tories.

This crisis is a manufactured one and you’ve fallen for it.

I seem remember it was Tony Blair who opened the UK borders. Saying 'only a few thousand will come from Europe '. Well actually millions came,
I seem remember it was Tony Blair who opened the UK borders. Saying 'only a few thousand will come from Europe '. Well actually millions came,





Look at em..

Coming over here and contributing to society.. 🙄

Deleted member 159

Investment in UK population work/education has declined with cheaper labour from EU.
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