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Über Member
That doesn't change my view, but, it is not exactly a 'selling point" is it?

It is a fair counter point to the common misinformation spread by xenophobes and racists that ‘they are all freeloaders and a burden on our services’.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It is a fair counter point to the common misinformation spread by xenophobes and racists that ‘they are all freeloaders and a burden on our services’.

As I said, I am not anti immigration, but, a lifetime contribution of a few thousand pounds is not a convincing argument, in my view, and, I don't need to be convinced.


As I said, I am not anti immigration, but, a lifetime contribution of a few thousand pounds is not a convincing argument, in my view, and, I don't need to be convinced.

So you're saying voters/you would rather they
make a positive net contribution of £28,000* while living here
... somewhere else?

[*or £78,000 for EU migrants]

Pale Rider

Another estimated 450 easy life seekers pitched up on the beaches yesterday.

That is clearly unsustainable.

Something needs to be done.

That something is stop the boats.
Another estimated 450 easy life seekers pitched up on the beaches yesterday.

That is clearly unsustainable.

Something needs to be done.

That something is stop the boats.

It was called 'The Dublin Agreement.' It worked until the English electorate had a massive brain fart in 2016, hauled us out of the EU for, er, happy British fish or something, and, as a result, we left the Dublin Agreement.

There were plenty of warnings about this in 2016.

BTW, anyone who flees a warzone, travels across Europe, gives their life savings to a scumbag gangster, then put on a dodgy boat across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world is not, IMO anyway, an easy life seeker.
Another estimated 450 easy life seekers pitched up on the beaches yesterday.

That is clearly unsustainable.

Something needs to be done.

That something is stop the boats.


Obvious answer, as already pointed out ad nauseum, is safe routes but Cruella and her party won't wear that.


Über Member
Another estimated 450 easy life seekers pitched up on the beaches yesterday.

That is clearly unsustainable.

Something needs to be done.

That something is stop the boats.

That something is:
  • provide a safe route(s)
  • process applications efficiently
  • remove those whose claim can’t be validated
But you already knew that.

What asylum process would you rather implement for the UK?

Pale Rider

That something is:
  • provide a safe route(s)
  • process applications efficiently
  • remove those whose claim can’t be validated
But you already knew that.

What asylum process would you rather implement for the UK?

That fails to take into account the urgency of situation.

A quick fix is needed, stopping the boats is the only one I can think of.

The solutions you cite should be the aim, but they are bound to take time.

Pale Rider

BTW, anyone who flees a warzone, travels across Europe, gives their life savings to a scumbag gangster, then put on a dodgy boat across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world is not, IMO anyway, an easy life seeker.

I've always said I would give every genuine asylum a flat, because I reckon I wouldn't need many flats.

I'm sure some people on the boats are in the situation you describe, but with those on the boats routinely deliberately chucking their ID over the side before arrival, it's very difficult to determine who deserves the red carpet and who should be given the heave-ho.


Über Member
That fails to take into account the urgency of situation.

The situation is only urgent through the government’s neglect. They were offered facilities to process claims in France but refused. That would have stopped the dangerous boat journeys.

those on the boats routinely deliberately chucking their ID over the side before arrival,

I think you’re making that up.
I've always said I would give every genuine asylum a flat, because I reckon I wouldn't need many flats.

I'm sure some people on the boats are in the situation you describe, but with those on the boats routinely deliberately chucking their ID over the side before arrival, it's very difficult to determine who deserves the red carpet and who should be given the heave-ho.

Do you have any evidence for that Daily Mail inspired assertion?

Because 'reliable' sources (such as the RNLI), when asked, say they've never seen this happen.
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