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Elder Goth
Just to interrupt the flow for a moment with some genuine good news. This Alzheimers drug development is looking very promising. What a wonderful life changer that could be for suffers and families, absolutely incredible. Fingers crossed it's not false hope and it works long term of course. Ok. As you were.

It really would be. I watched my grandad decline and suffer with Alzheimer's. It was horrible, as he knew exactly what was going on but could do nothing to stop it. Any advance in treating this horrible disease is to be welcomed with open arms.
That fails to take into account the urgency of situation.

What exactly is the urgency.

The solutions you cite should be the aim, but they are bound to take time.

How, short of guns and/or drowning people can you stop the boats.


Legendary Member
As I said, I am not anti immigration, but, a lifetime contribution of a few thousand pounds is not a convincing argument, in my view, and, I don't need to be convinced.

Fair point. I could have said that according to a UCL study immigration to the uk contributed 25 billion over 10 years.
Is that a better selling point?

Now imagine how much all those people incarcerated in camps could be injecting into the economy if we just processed the paperwork, not to mention the net gain of not having to pay for hotels for those that don't want to be living in them. the EU,contribution of £616.5 billion.
Our findings show that immigrants to the UK who arrived since 2000, and for whom we observe their entire migration history, have made consistently positive fiscal contributions regardless of their area of origin. Between 2001 and 2011 recent immigrants from the A10 countries contributed to the fiscal system about 12% more than they took out, with a net fiscal contribution of about £5 billion. At the same time the net fiscal contributions of recent European immigrants from the rest of the EU totalled £15bn, with fiscal payments about 64% higher than transfers received. Immigrants from outside the EU countries made a net fiscal contribution of about £5.2 billion, thus paying into the system about 3% more than they took out. In contrast, over the same period, natives made an overall negative fiscal contribution of £616.5 billion. The net fiscal balance of overall immigration to the UK between 2001 and 2011 amounts therefore to a positive net contribution of about £25 billion, over a period over which the UK has run an overall budget deficit.

Pale Rider

Do you have any evidence for that Daily Mail inspired assertion?

Because 'reliable' sources (such as the RNLI), when asked, say they've never seen this happen.

I don't doubt they've never seen it, but the reliable sources is the hapless coppers and immigration officials who report the majority have no documentation.

Given the overall journey, some people will genuinely lose their documents, but I believe they will struggle, at least legally, to get into France without any.

Some intelligence suggests they may be being advised to dispose of documents before arrival in the UK because that puts our authorities on the back foot.

It certainly avoids any simple screening along the lines of 'your country is clearly not war torn, so home you go'.

What exactly is the urgency.

As you well know, we lack the capacity to deal with what we have.

Several hundred extra most days is not a trivial number.

It wouldn't matter if it were only a handful more a week.

How, short of guns and/or drowning people can you stop the boats.

That might concentrate the minds of others.

Realistically, stopping or drastically reducing the number of boats is something I expect my government to do for me.

I imagine that's what this new Bill is about, although I've not studied it.
I don't doubt they've never seen it, but the reliable sources is the hapless coppers and immigration officials who report the majority have no documentation.

Given the overall journey, some people will genuinely lose their documents, but I believe they will struggle, at least legally, to get into France without any.

Some i
ntelligence suggests they may be being advised to dispose of documents before arrival in the UK because that puts our authorities on the back foot.

It certainly avoids any simple screening along the lines of 'your country is clearly not war torn, so home you go'.

So the RNLI are lying? Quite an assumption or you're just saying that because you know what you posted is bollox.

BTW, why do the English have such as issue with immigrants? Genuine question.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
So you're saying voters/you would rather they

... somewhere else?

[*or £78,000 for EU migrants]

No, don’t think I said that.

Pale Rider

So what I posted is correct and what you posted is bollox?

No, my contention is the majority arrive without documentation, having dumped what they have between France and here.

BTW, why do the English have such as issue with immigrants? Genuine question.

My view, and I am only one Englishman, is that no one is especially bothered about low levels of immigration, but do get a bit irate when numbers soar, particularly when there is an immediate and direct adverse impact on their communities.

Yes, they are nimbys, but that doesn't make it any less so.

As I mentioned earlier, your gov were able to do this via The Dublin Agreement.

Well, best they get on and find a workable alternative, pronto.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Fair point. I could have said that according to a UCL study immigration to the uk contributed 25 billion over 10 years.
Is that a better selling point?

Now imagine how much all those people incarcerated in camps could be injecting into the economy if we just processed the paperwork, not to mention the net gain of not having to pay for hotels for those that don't want to be living in them. from outside the EU,contribution of £616.5 billion.

I have said many times, I am not anti-immigration. I prefer @glasgowcyclist ’s solution, above. Simply trying to point out, if you are trying to change people’s mindset then quoting paltry figures per head is not vey convincing.
No, my contention is the majority arrive without documentation, having dumped what they have between France and here.

After leaving France?

If they're dumped in the water or abandoned on the beach at Calais then surely there'd be tons washing up or blowing around?

Lots of them never had any proper documentation. You can't just rock up in Damascus or Khartoum and get a passport..

Pale Rider

And I asked, now twice, for verifiable evidence.

If you don't have any, apart from the Daily Mail, please say so.

You've seen my evidence, such as it is.

Yours is no better, there's no way you can give verifiable evidence that all boat people turn up with a birth certificate, valid passport, bank cards, and their library cards for good measure.

That'll mean rejoining the EU so, yes, I'm up for that.

As you might imagine, I'm hoping for a solution that doesn't involve rejoining.
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