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Über Member
Many, many, crimes are solved by forensics, but even if the criminal leaves blood, dabs, and spit all over the crime scene, it is useless because there is nothing to match the forensics to.

Practically, if he can manage to commit the crime unobserved, the chances of detection are about as likely as a migrant arriving with a full set of documents.

There is no evidence that asylum applicants or refugees are any more likely to commit crime than the general British public.

The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 empowers UK immigration officers to obtain the fingerprints of those arriving here to claim asylum, so all of them should already be on file.

Then there is the fact that every country in the EU takes the fingerprints of all asylum seekers and detected ‘irregular arrivals’, recorded on a database (EURODAC) of 5.8 million entries to date. If there was any concern on the part of UK border officials that someone arriving here from France was wanted or an undesirable, then all they’d need to do is chec…

Aw fùck it, they can’t because Brexit means we lost access to that. Bugger!

Tories, eh? Shooting themselves in the foot at every turn.
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Pale Rider

There is no evidence that asylum applicants or refugees are any more likely to commit crime than the general British public.

I agree, and nor do I think migrants are so different to us.

Which leads to another concern.

Any court watcher will tell you the overwhelming majority of magistrates' court defendants are males, aged 18-25 years.

This demographic also largely applies to the boat people.

Given that I think a brown person of the specified age group is no more - or less - likely to commit crime than a white one, that's quite a number of crimes we are importing.


Legendary Member
Given that I think a brown person of the specified age group is no more - or less - likely to commit crime than a white one, that's quite a number of crimes we are importing.
Is it though?

1.14 million people appeared in a magistrates court in total in 2022. That's about 2% of the population of England and Wales.
There were 44000 small boat arrivals in 2022. So we can extrapolate that if the crime rate were the same, we would expect to see 880 of those people in a magistrates court for one reason or another over the course of the year. That's 0.07% additional imported crime.

We can also extrapolate that it is more important to you that 880 people are prevented from committing crime than 43120 people reaching a safe haven where they can speak the language and have friends or family.

Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to commit crime than the general population, but that that crime tends to be property crime. It might just be that the reason for this is that if you are unable to work, to buy food, to get a job, your recourse tends to be stealing things. We can solve this problem by getting these people set up so that they can get work, and therefore don't need to commit crime. Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to work harder than the general population. So instead of taking fingerprints and DNA and running every arrival through interpol it might be better to give them a National Insurance number and point them at the job centre.

Pale Rider

1.14 million people appeared in a magistrates court in total in 2022. That's about 2% of the population of England and Wales.
There were 44000 small boat arrivals in 2022. So we can extrapolate that if the crime rate were the same, we would expect to see 880 of those people in a magistrates court for one reason or another over the course of the year. That's 0.07% additional imported crime.

You certainly like to play with figures.

Not really my game, no one listens after the first couple.

But I would say the crime rate of the cited demographic of 18-25-year-olds is much higher.

This would inevitably raise your projected total.

Even if it doesn't, importing 880 crimes is at least 880 too many.

Giving these guys an NI number to get to work sounds great, but I suspect those who did strive to obtain employment are not part of the minority minded to commit crime.


Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to commit crime than the general population, but that that crime tends to be property crime. It might just be that the reason for this is that if you are unable to work, to buy food, to get a job, your recourse tends to be stealing things. We can solve this problem by getting these people set up so that they can get work, and therefore don't need to commit crime. Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to work harder than the general population. So instead of taking fingerprints and DNA and running every arrival through interpol it might be better to give them a National Insurance number and point them at the job centre.

There's a pretty huge correlation (for UK nationals, let alone other demographics) between employment and earning a criminal record.

I'd love to see the data on "Criminal refugees" broken down by "has been processed properly - or not" and "has somewhere to live" and "has a paid job".
Just a few points without getting into a lot of tedious cut/paste.

The minutes of the Commons Committee were linked from the Website of Migration Watch; an outfit the independence and bona fides of which I'm doubtful. Dan O'Mahoney was appointed by Petty Patel and has a background in Police/Military. He appeared before the Commitee in Uniform. I don't know to what extent what he said was/can be challenged and I'm looking to see what others say. His evidence for example is that migrants, to a man, dispose of phones. Yet the Home Office has been hauled over the coals for unlawfully confiscating phones, in massive numbers, at Manston/Dover Jetfoil.

Numbers arriving by small boat are up because lorries/ferries/chunnel have been secured up tighter than a duck's bottom. Only way is boat. The actual numbers presenting with Asylum Claims is up on recent years but way less than 20 years ago.

If they're from a place where they have a genuine fear of persecution etc been tortured or whatever then they meet the definition to be given Asylum. As well as fingerprints etc they'll have to account for where they're from, what race/ethnicity/religion they are and how they're victims of torture. It's not an easy gig for the genuine never mind those who think there's a script that will see them direct to leave to remain. The failure to process claims in a timely manner is down to the Home Office and is almost certainly being extended as a matter of political choice.

If they want to process folks quickly there are low hanging fruit both ways. Albanians are, mostly trying it on. Syrians, Sudanese, Iranians or Afghans are slam dunks for Leave to Remain.

While our ministers, and some members of this forum are clutching their pearls over the numbers those coming here small. The world's Displaced Persons issue,even before Ukraine and Sudan, was bigger than WW2. Those heading here also a small number compared with those in Germany, France etc.

And no, we're not a land of milk and honey compared to cash and housing elsewhere. The attraction is to those with family or other kin here or who speak English as it's the common langiage at home.
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Deleted member 159

New banking legislation is being drawn up to remove banking licenses of any bank that discriminates against a person for political views, free speech will be part of the new revised rules.

As of Thursday banks will be verbally warned not to discriminate against any person for their political views.

Most welcome step.

Deleted member 159

I wonder if the ombudsman will step up immediately and force Coutts to re instate Nigel Farage's accounts


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Is it though?

1.14 million people appeared in a magistrates court in total in 2022. That's about 2% of the population of England and Wales.
There were 44000 small boat arrivals in 2022. So we can extrapolate that if the crime rate were the same, we would expect to see 880 of those people in a magistrates court for one reason or another over the course of the year. That's 0.07% additional imported crime.

We can also extrapolate that it is more important to you that 880 people are prevented from committing crime than 43120 people reaching a safe haven where they can speak the language and have friends or family.

Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to commit crime than the general population, but that that crime tends to be property crime. It might just be that the reason for this is that if you are unable to work, to buy food, to get a job, your recourse tends to be stealing things. We can solve this problem by getting these people set up so that they can get work, and therefore don't need to commit crime. Other studies show that asylum seekers and refugees are more likely to work harder than the general population. So instead of taking fingerprints and DNA and running every arrival through interpol it might be better to give them a National Insurance number and point them at the job centre.

Is the demographic of the small boat arrivals the same as the population of England and Wales?, if not, I suspect your logic is flawed.

Deleted member 159

There was an news items of a illegal immigrant raping a woman after one month in the UK


Elder Goth
Typical, the message doesn't suit so set about undermining the messenger.

Good luck with that, doubt anyone can come up with a more reliable source than a Home Office executive - not an elected member - who has been tasked with preparing to answer questions at a select committee.

At the risk of taking the rest of your dumb post seriously, I don't believe the migrants would have much joy trying to set up an organised crime group, at least initially.

What they could easily do is contribute to the already high levels of relatively low level crime which already blights our communities and drags us all down.

In the unlikely event they decide to enter the criminal league at Premiership level, they are also well placed to commit a rape, murder, or armed robbery, particularly if they are masked.

No reliable witnesses/nothing to witness, no worries about forensics = no detection.

You really are a walloper. Whining on about attacking the poster then calling another one dumb? It's no wonder you rate the gutter press as much as you do.
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