The UK’s broken asylum system

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Deleted member 159

There are no legal routes available to those who come by small boats.

Because they are illegal immigrants. They waved their rights by not following process.

UK is not the waste bin for all the trash of the world . Yes there is enough trash in the UK already.

No country owes anyone other than it's own citizens


Über Member
Because they are illegal immigrants. They waved their rights by not following process.

You keep repeating this, knowing it to be lies.

You’re not fooling anyone with this act but yourself.


New Member
If it wasn’t for immigration I would struggle to find staff to fill my vacancies. Just shy of 50% of one team is currently an immigrant and that is expected to exceed 50% by the end of the year. One of my current team arrived in the UK in a small boat 5 years ago. They could have waited and came in through a legal route but that would have taken them too long based on the danger they were in at the time, so they chose to exit their situation and enter the UK illegally.

Since that time they have successfully applied for asylum and taken up employment with us. In fact they are among the best workers in the team. Had they been immediately deported as an illegal entrant to the country then it would have been to the detriment of the NHS.

Deleted member 159

That's the one of the biggest problems, multi national conglomerates want plentiful supply of workers. Keeps wages depressed, lowers employee rights.

Successive governments have been beholden to big business


New Member
That's the one of the biggest problems, multi national conglomerates want plentiful supply of workers. Keeps wages depressed, lowers employee rights.

Successive governments have been beholden to big business

The NHS is not a multi national conglomerate and pay the going rate negotiated between governments and unions as well as having recommendations from a pay review body.

Deleted member 159

Yes they are illegal. There are more than just the NHS who employ staff.

Deleted member 159

Muslim gangs clashing with far far right public. Stabbings occuring

Deleted member 159

Such insight 👏

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