The UK’s broken asylum system

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We're already in a joint agreement with France, costing hundreds of millions, and it doesn't make much difference to Channel arrivals. I honestly don't see why you would hang around in France for a claim to be processed, with a chance of deportation if unsuccessful, when you know that being in the UK makes the odds of staying much higher.

All I'm saying is that we need a rational set up with the French and preferably other EU countries to deal with mass migration from Africa, the Levant etc etc. As the last few years have shown just shouting stop the boats and warehousing people in hotels doesn't work.

We don't know how many more would make the crossing if the French activity we're funding were not in place. They are reportedly making it far more difficult to launch boats in the Dunkerque/Boulogne area.

If you has the prospect of a claim to Asylum in the UK being accepted and going there on the ferry rather than paying a fortune to risk drowning or asphyxiation on rubber boat which would you choose?

How do you think we might solve the problem?

Or is there, in reality, no solution?

Deleted member 159

All I'm saying is that we need a rational set up with the French and preferably other EU countries to deal with mass migration from Africa, the Levant etc etc. As the last few years have shown just shouting stop the boats and warehousing people in hotels doesn't work.

We don't know how many more would make the crossing if the French activity we're funding were not in place. They are reportedly making it far more difficult to launch boats in the Dunkerque/Boulogne area.

If you has the prospect of a claim to Asylum in the UK being accepted and going there on the ferry rather than paying a fortune to risk drowning or asphyxiation on rubber boat which would you choose?

How do you think we might solve the problem?

Or is there, in reality, no solution?

Process them, deport them if they don't have paperwork or fail criteria, certain origin countries should have immediately removal

Deleted member 159


That reads as though the French wanted a faster way to get rid of their problem. BJohnson said he would return all those who came across to France, France reply NON NON.

So it was a ploy to shift the sh!try problem from one side of the pond to the other

More relaxed labour requirements, he forgot benefits too, was causing a pull effect.

So UK puts in stronger anti illegal migrantation legislation, failed to implement it swiftly.

Only when the Rwanda policy looked like it might get off the ground(pun), did numbers coming across decreased. Not by much but a decline.

Some even went to Ireland, which really upset the Irish public.

Now labour are in, full steam ahead, or Yamaha outboard motor


Well-Known Member
To quote from that Sun article you linked to
...But Downing Street has rejected any plans that would pull more migrants to the UK.....
That is probably a significant context point that needs to be added to the statement the UK government refused to build the immigration centre in France


Well-Known Member
To do what? Certainly not to process claims.

I think it's a joint agreement that the UK pay France lots of money and in return the French do nothing and ask for more money to increase their efforts to do nothing.

The French are probably currently peeved that despite being favourites for the Olympic Rioting gold medal, it is looking as if the British are sneaking ahead of them this summer
I think it's a joint agreement that the UK pay France lots of money and in return the French do nothing and ask for more money to increase their efforts to do nothing.

The French are probably currently peeved that despite being favourites for the Olympic Rioting gold medal, it is looking as if the British are sneaking ahead of them this summer

Can you stand up the assertion of the French doing nothing?

When I was there last week there was a very visible presence around Sangatte etc.

You cannot stop everybody.
France won't go with processing on their turf. They want shot of them asap. That's why they are doing the least possible to stop the boats.

France has a big enough problem already with uncontrollable illegal immigrants, nothing is going be done to save UK

Well we shouldn’t have pulled out of the Dublin Agreement when England stupidly voted to leave the EU.
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