The UK’s broken asylum system

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That reads as though the French wanted a faster way to get rid of their problem. BJohnson said he would return all those who came across to France, France reply NON NON.

So it was a ploy to shift the sh!try problem from one side of the pond to the other

More relaxed labour requirements, he forgot benefits too, was causing a pull effect.

So UK puts in stronger anti illegal migrantation legislation, failed to implement it swiftly.

Only when the Rwanda policy looked like it might get off the ground(pun), did numbers coming across decreased. Not by much but a decline.

Some even went to Ireland, which really upset the Irish public.

Now labour are in, full steam ahead, or Yamaha outboard motor

England, not the UK.

This is a purely English issue.

Deleted member 159

Well we shouldn’t have pulled out of the Dublin Agreement when England stupidly voted to leave the EU.

They would not have taken them back anyhow. Ireland can't get rid of their illegal immigrants
England, not the UK.

This is a purely English issue.
Current wave started with a German issue when their pm(Bondkanselier) claimed ''wir shaffen das'' ''We can do it'' and it has been troubled ever since. Not in the last place because there is and was no working asylum system in any european country, unless you call needing to house people everywhere whilst they need to wait for years for their application to be approved or refused a good system, not to mention the total idiocy that assumes all people claiming asylum are good, that are the real issues but if you than defacto invite people from conflict zones in, you get the shitshow we have now.
We should have invested in an system that would given them an status, abilty to work, educate, live, etc. right from the start then we wouldn't have had current issues, or at least not in the form we experiences them now.


Über Member
England, not the UK.

This is a purely English issue.

Hmmm, so far.

I think it’s unwise to regard Scotland and Wales as safe from all of this.

I would say it is less likely to happen here but we have enough bigots and racists to make it a real possibility, especially if that twat Yaxley-Lennon does get enough thugs to turn up here next month for his planned riot.

They are now organising to attack refugee support charities and agencies across the country.

Deleted member 159

Hardly going to happen in Scotland it's ~95% white Scots

Deleted member 159

I assume you haven't been in Scotland recently.
According to data >95% are white in Scotland

Deleted member 159

You don't need to look. :laugh:

There you go a picture -close your eyes



Über Member
Hardly going to happen in Scotland it's ~95% white Scots

It's not that high today. You might be quoting the 2011 census figure.

It's 87.1% whites in Scotland (2021 census) compared to about 82% white for E&W.

We are not free from racism by any means so it makes sense for us to remain vigilant to the threat of English racists seeking to destabilise the good multicultural relations that we enjoy.

If it does come, we shall be ready.

Deleted member 159

It's not that high today. You might be quoting the 2011 census figure.

It's 87.1% whites in Scotland (2021 census) compared to about 82% white for E&W.

We are not free from racism by any means so it makes sense for us to remain vigilant to the threat of English racists seeking to destabilise the good multicultural relations that we enjoy.

If it does come, we shall be ready.

2021 so very recent


Über Member
2021 so very recent

But before the 2021 census data for Scotland were returned and compiled, so that's why I said it's likely based on the previous census (the percentage matches that year).

The first release of data from the 2021 Scotland census was only published on 14 September 2023. Ethnic group data wasn't released until 21 May 2024, which is where my 87.1% figure comes from.

You need to look deeper into the source of your data rather than unqestioningly quoting the first link you find.
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