War with Russia

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
What's next then....long range missiles,attack jets or whatever you call them !
Did I miss anything about peace talks or negotiations....


do you think putin wants peace talks or negotiation??? all he wants is ukraine, pretty simple


What's next then....long range missiles,attack jets or whatever you call them !
Did I miss anything about peace talks or negotiations....


It starts off with bad news, but I urge you to read the closing paragraph; a much more reasonable overview:

A new year means new opportunities, and we're hoping this year gives rise to some much-needed stability and progress. Whatever happens, the Guardian will be there, providing clarity and fearless, independent reporting from around the world, 24/7.

Deleted member 49

Negotiations are likely going-on all the time, in the dark back-channels that are out of view.

For fun, 3 questions:
How do you see a negotiated settlement panning-out?
Who needs to concede what in your view and why they should?
Nearly all wars end in negotiation or the alternative which seems to be the absolute destruction of one side,which I can't see happening here ?
So it's more a question of not if but when...or a prolonged war with more bloodshed.Can anyone see a end to it ?
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Deleted member 49

It starts off with bad news, but I urge you to read the closing paragraph; a much more reasonable overview:

A new year means new opportunities, and we're hoping this year gives rise to some much-needed stability and progress. Whatever happens, the Guardian will be there, providing clarity and fearless, independent reporting from around the world, 24/7.
If your referring to the Guardian piece above...no love lost from me on that particular paper.

Deleted member 49

Good point.
Stuck in a Wi-Fi black-spot, with Foodie's ellipsis? Should be along in a while, probably when he disembarks in a civilised country ...
Devon....far from civilised.

fozy tornip

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